Thursday, July 2, 2020

We now know that Obama and Biden got the FBI/DOJ to investigate Flynn even though they knew he'd done nothing wrong

As part of it's clearing house the FBI/DOJ is slowly but surely producing evidence that not only was General Flynn completely innocent but that he was targeted despite the fact that Obama and Biden knew he was innocent.

Just today new handwritten notes by former FBI agent Peter Strzok, who is virulently antiTrump, reveal that Biden suggested using the Logan act against Flynn and Obama ordered Flynn investigated despite Comey saying that the calls between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Kislyak were perfectly legal.

The meeting attended by Obama, Biden, Susan Rice, Comes, and Sally Yates--yeah the one Trump had to fire for refusing to enforce the law-- was made public in an email that Susan Rice sent to herself on Inauguration day 2017.

In that email Rice made it clear that Obama had demanded that the investigation into Flynn had to be handled by the book.

We now know that Rice's characterization was a lie.

Of course we always knew that because why would she write herself an email saying nothing wrong happened at just that one meeting and not for all the other meeting she attended?

Now however Strzok's notes show her lie.  It turns out that not only did Obama personally direct that Flynn be investigated about calls which he knew were perfectly legal but he suggested that people consider if information related to Russia shouldn't be shared with the Trump administration.

Obama, after hearing from Comey that the call was legitimate, said the following:

“Make sure you look at things and have the right people on it,”

The obvious inference is that the "right" people would be highly partisan Democrats who would ensure that Flynn would be railroaded.  And that's what happened.

Essentially Obama was ordering Yates, who was then Deputy Attorney General, to set up a fifth column in DOJ to investigate Obama's political opponents after Obama left office.

In that light it's hardly surprising that Yates refused to defend Trump's immigration order in court.  As is to be expected for someone who was running an illegal politically motivated investigation into Trump she didn't simply resign when she refused to do her job.

In addition we now know that Biden has been lying about what he knows about the Flynn investigation.  It turns out it was Biden who suggested that Flynn be investigated for violating the Logan Act which prohibits citizens from interfering in US foreign policy.

The law hasn't been invoked for more than a century and it's widely regarded as being unconstitutional but if it isn't then John Kerry and other Democrats who have gone overseas and talked to enemies of the US such as Iran should be in jail too. Needless to say no one has suggested investigating Kerry or any other Democrat.

Hence Joe was trying to figure out how to use the FBI/DOJ to attack the Trump administration.

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