Friday, July 10, 2020

Judge Sullivan wants to be Judge, Prosecutor, Jury, and Executioner in the Flynn case

We now know that General Flynn was targeted as part of a political attack by the FBI/DOJ on President Trump.

We know that before leaving office President Trump ordered the "right people" to go after Flynn even though he, Obama, had been told by Comey that Flynn had done nothing wrong in talking to the Russian Ambassador as part of his job on the Trump transition team.

Further we know, based on an internal DOJ investigation, that the DOJ deliberately withheld exculpatory evidence that showed that Flynn was innocent from both Flynn and the court.

We know that Flynn pled guilty not because he was guilty but because his legal fees had bankrupted him and because the same dishonest DOJ prosecutors who were illegally withholding exculpatory evidence threatened to go after his son.

Now that all this has come to light the DOJ has dropped the charges against Flynn as they do in all similar cases.  To do otherwise would be like continuing a prosecution of someone when the prosecutor knew that there was a witness who said the defendant didn't commit the crime.

But the judge in the case is saying no.  He wants to replace the DOJ and prosecute Flynn on his own.

Even though he was ordered by a Circuit Court, his bosses, to allow the DOJ to drop the charges he's refusing to do so.

Essentially he wants to be the prosecutor, the judge, and the executioner for General Flynn.

That's a clear and direct violation of the roles and responsibilities of judges.  Judges rule on points of law they don't decide who should and who shouldn't be prosecuted.

Clearly Sullivan has an axe to grind and if nothing else he should be brought before a board for his breach of judicial ethics.

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