Monday, July 20, 2020

Democrats want to keep kids out of school: That's racist

A new study showed that in Los Angeles Black and Latino students participated in distance learning programs, instituted after the China virus hit, at 10 to 20% lower rates than white and asian students.

Which means if the schools stay closed Blacks and Latinos will suffer the most.

Yet the LA Teachers union doesn't want the schools opened until the police are defunded and there's a ban on new charter schools--which by the way have a proven record of helping Blacks more than public schools do.

Across the country Democrats are calling for the schools to be closed.

They're doing so because that's what the teacher's unions want; to be paid for not working.

They're also doing it because the worse society is the more likely Democrats think that otherwise sane people will vote for Joe Biden.

While Europe has reopened its schools and there has been no mass suffering much less dying by students Democrats want your kids kept uneducated so long as it hurts Trump.

Your kids suffering is a price Democrats are willing to pay to get more power over every aspect of your life.

It's bad enough that the Democrats ignoring science and demanding that schools be closed hurts all kids but it's down right racist for Democrats to support it when they know it will hurt Blacks the most.

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