Thursday, July 16, 2020

Doctors starve a Black man to death because his quality of life wasn't good enough: BLM silent

Michael Hickson, 46, was left to starve and his COVID19 wasn't adequately treated because doctors declared that his quality of life wasn't good enough.

He was conscious, alert, and while unable to speak he was able to communicate via expressions.

His wife didn't have authority over his health care because some other relative was suing her over that so the state took over Michael Hickson's life and decided that he didn't have a life worth living.

He was a quadriplegic which apparently meant his life wasn't worth saving to the state.

Even as his wife tried to get him treated the doctors said that she had no input.

After 6 days without food or treatment Michael Hickson died.  Or more accurately his doctors subjected him to 6 days of suffering as part of their killing him.

Yet all the voices who say that Black Lives Matter have been silent about this as they're silent about the 200,000 extra Black babies aborted each year--if Blacks aborted at the same rate as whites there would be 200,000 more Black babies born each year.

Clearly Black lives only matter when they can be used to advance the Democrat's agenda.

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