Saturday, July 18, 2020

Wanted babies are never clumps of cells: Nicole Thea edition

I've never heard of Nicole Thea but she had 200,000 YouTube and Instagram followers; apparently she talked about dancing and beauty.

Sadly at 24 she died.  She was pregnant at the time and her unborn son, already named Reign, died too.

But since he was unborn he wasn't really a person; just a blob of cells right?


The #FakeNews media acted honestly for once talking about Thea's parents loss of not only a daughter but a grandson and about how her partner, Jeffery Frimpong aka Global Boga, lost not only a partner but a child.

CNN and the HuffPo talked about "unborn child" and "unborn son".

Recently CNN called a baby who survived and abortion attempt and was born alive as a "fetus that was born" so the shocking admission that the unborn aren't alien beings but human beings is shocking.

The reality however is that leftists know that the unborn are human.

They just believe that the mother has the right to murder her children so long as she does so before or shortly after they're born.

They understand that abortion is murder and they're fine with that which is why they tend to ignore the mass murder of dissidents in China.

To the left killing of "undesirables" is a good thing.

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