Friday, July 24, 2020

Stanford Doctor says there's no reason to keep kids out of school

We all know that kids are essentially invulnerable to the China virus.  While some kids will get sick and some even might die the numbers are smaller than the number who will get sick and die in a typical flu season.

We can't live risk free lives.  If we applied the left's criteria we'd prevent kids from being in cars since kids die in car crashes every year.

Of course we need accommodations for older teachers or those who suffer from health conditions that put them at higher risk than they'd be in a typical flu season.

But since most teachers don't fall into that category there is no way we should punish the children by keeping them uneducated.

The doctor saying all this is Dr Atlas former head of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center.

He points out that long distance learning has been a failure. In our school district for example kids got  one hour a week with a teacher in a large zoom session.  A study from LA shows that minority kids are much less likely to participate in distance learning so keeping the schools closed will cause a significant racial disparity.

Atlas points out that European countries--such as Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark-- have opened up their schools and there hasn't been any problem.

Teacher's unions are opposing reopening schools until a smorgasbord of leftists programs including universal health care, defunding the police, and welfare for illegal aliens are enacted.

As with the shutdown in general the left is weaponizing children to ensure that Joe Biden, who declared that Trumps travel ban on China was "xenophobic", gets elected.

Democrat politicians don't care about you. They care about power. They're more than willing to let you and your children suffer if it means they get more power over every aspect of your life.

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