Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Teachers unions don't care about your kids; only about advancing the leftist agenda

In LA the 35,000 member teachers union is declaring that kids can't get an education unless the police are defunded and charter schools, that succeed in helping minorities where public schools fail, must be limited.

Neither of these issues has anything to do with whether or not resuming on site schooling is safe.

We know that for kids COVID19 is no more dangerous than the flu and we don't shut down the schools every flu season.

Essentially the union is saying we want to keep getting paid but we won't educate your kids unless you bow to our political demands.

While many teachers do care about the kids it's clear that the union only cares about tearing down democracy.

Further defunding the police is highly racist.  Minorities are much more likely to be the victims of crime--and far more likely to be murdered by a non-cop than by a cop-- than whites are.

Minorities live in high crime neighborhoods.

Hence eliminating the police while have little or no impact on well to do whites who live in safe neighborhoods but it will result in more minority deaths.

The 600% explosion in violent crime in New York City after De Blasio defunded the police consists almost entirely of minority victims.

But Democrats don't care.

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