Monday, July 6, 2020

Biden says that H1B workers built this country even though the H1B program didn't start till 1990

What's happening is that greedy corporations are demanding that America import skilled workers, the H1B visa recipients, to the US to drive down wages and increase corporate profits.

You'd think that Democrats would oppose that but you're wrong.

While the Democrat party is and always has been the racist party and there was no switching of positions between Republicans and Democrats the Democrat party has switched its position on ensuring that it's hugely rich corporate sponsors can make more money at the expense of the American worker.

Trump has temporarily suspended the H1B program which makes sense for American workers since it's obviously stupid to be importing foreigners to take American jobs when tens of millions of Americans are out of work.

But Joe, ever the stooge of the big corporations, is all for driving down the value of a college degree by bringing in people who will work for less.


Because what Joe cares most about isn't we the people but himself and the Democrat party. Those H1B people if granted citizenship will vote Democrat and even if they don't become citizens allowing them in means tens of millions of corporate dollars will flow into Democrat campaigns.

That he doesn't know what he's talking about can be seen by the fact that he said:

“The people coming on these [H-1B] visas have built this country,”

Given that the H1B program didn't begin until 1990 that's clearly nonsense.

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