Thursday, July 2, 2020

Biden calls for higher taxes with unemployment at record highs

Joe is no moderate.

Trump's tax cuts, along with his cutting of unnecessary Federal regulations, is why the economy boomed after 8 years of dismal performance while Biden was VP.

Democrats like Obama told us we'd never again see robust economic growth.  And in a sense they were right since if Hillary had been elected the same failed Democrat approaches of high taxes and massive regulation would have continued.

No one can look at the economic boom that occurred due to Trump's policies and say that those policies are worse than Obama's that kept Black unemployment at insanely high rates.

But clearly Biden's greed for your money is greater than his concern about your welfare because Joe is going to eliminate those tax cuts making sure that more of what you earn ends up in his pocket not yours.

Biden mentioned his huge tax increases when asked as to how he'd help us recover from the current China virus induced economic slump.

That's right; Biden's formula for reducing unemployment is to drive up taxes and thereby diverting companies money from salaries to taxes.

So if you want unemployment to stay high and economic growth to stay low vote for Biden who either can't learn or doesn't care about you.

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