Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Iran offered the Taliban bounties to kill Americans and Obama responded by giving Iran $1.7B

The Left is all atwitter about the latests "Russian Collusion" lie based on anonymous sources.

The story is falling apart as it's contradicted by on the record statements by people in the know but the basic idea is that Trump knew that Russia was paying bounties to the Taliban for killing Americans and Trump didn't start WWIII over it.

Now we know that Trump never heard about the claim which was never assessed as being correct by the Intelligence Community(IC).  An AP story says that John Bolton told Trump about the bounties but Bolton has said that he didn't and that he doubted the claim was correct.

Further we know that when Trump ordered the execution of Iranian terrorist mastermind General Soleimani, who the IC did confidently assess was responsible for the killings of hundreds of Americans, the same people who are upset that Trump hasn't started a war with Russia were furious.

But let's forget all the lies and double standards and assume the story is true.

We still have a huge problem.

Back in 2010 there was strong evidence that the Iranians were paying the Taliban for every American the Taliban killed.

Obama did nothing. Well he did nothing to punish Iran.

He did end the embargo's that were crushing the theocratic regime, give the Iranians access to $100B which had been impounded, and pay them a $1.7B bribe to free some hostages.  Oh and let's not forget he greenlighted Iran's nuclear ambitions with the caveat that they couldn't announce they had the bomb until Obama had been out of office for awhile.

So the same people who applauded Obama's outreach to Iran after Obama knew that Iran was giving the Taliban $1000 for every American they killed are now supposedly indignant that Trump hasn't take drastic steps against Russia even though there is no IC statement that in fact the Russians provided any bounties.

Essentially this is more proof that the #FakeNews media will tell any lie so long as it hurts Trump and/or helps Democrats.

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