Friday, July 3, 2020

Joe Biden said that more than 122,000,000 Americans have died due to the China virus

It's not the end of the world when a politician gets a number wrong; about 122,000 Americans have died from the China virus but it's unclear how many of them would have died by now for other reasons.  But the fact that going completely incoherent is become a Biden trademark coupled with the fact that while he immediately paused he didn't immediately correct himself is interesting at the very least.

But what's really amazing is the context in which he said it:

“People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do,” Biden said Thursday. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”

Given that it's Democrats who are demanding that young not really at risk people continue to be confined to their homes and unable to work it's a pretty brazen lie to pretend that that's Trump's fault.

Democrats are attacking Trump for not shutting down society enough and blaming him for all the China virus deaths while simultaneously condemning him for the economic consequences of those policies.

Because Democrat politicians are fascists interested only in power not in truth they are perfectly willing to ignore the facts. Namely that it's over constraining Democrat lock down policies that are keeping people out of work and if Trump did what Democrats say they want him to do things would be much worse.

Further Biden is on record as having declared that Trump's initial travel limitations on China were evil and "xenophobic".  

In addition Biden has always been a big defender of China perhaps because the Chinese communist government gave Biden's son, Hunter, $1.5 billion dollars to invest for them. That will generate tens of millions of dollars for Biden's extended family.

So it's likely that if he's elected he will do nothing to make China pay for lying to the world and causing the pandemic.

While the China virus wasn't deliberately released by the Chinese they did deliberately cover it up for critical weeks; going so far as to force doctors who were warning about it to confess to crimes against the state.

If China had acted even 3 weeks sooner, which it could have done, there would have been no pandemic.

But Joe Biden hasn't ever been bothered by that.

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