Sunday, July 5, 2020

Democrats hate the 4th of July

After all America, according to Democrats, was founded to protect slavery.

That's right; America wasn't founded for freedom, to avoid taxation without representation, or to provide religious liberty.

According to the 1619 project, a bit of fiction rejected by all serious historians, America is all about slavery.

Never mind the fact that most of America didn't allow slaves or that the bloodiest war in American history was fought to end slavery.

To Democrats and the Blacks that serve them the Civil War never happened.  Given that the Democrats lost that one it makes sense for them to pretend it never happened.

America is still a hell hole of racism even though Republican Presidents have appointed Blacks to key cabinet posts, we've elected a Black President twice, and studies, including one by a Black Harvard Professor, have shown that innocent Blacks are no more likely to be killed by the police than innocent white people.

Democrat politicians solution to this is for us to give them complete control over our lives, surrender our rights, live in poverty, and let men use women's bathrooms.

Clearly modern Democrat politicians are fascists at heart:

  • They say that speech they don't like isn't protected by the 1st Amendment
  • They cheer big tech censorship of the truth
  • They cheer the Supreme Court imposing the Democrat agenda on America
  • They want religions to change their beliefs to conform to the Democrat agenda
  • They want to deny people the right to exercise their religion
  • They want government to be able to violate the 4th Amendment and search your private data
  • They refuse to accept the results of elections they lose
  • They work hard to make voter fraud better

So it's not surprising that they hate America.  In America we the people have the power and the government represents us.  In the country Democrats want they rule over us and control every aspect of our lives from what sort of bag we use for our groceries to how much soda we drink.

Democrat politicians want to rule over us not represent us. After all they view the vast majority of us as foolish bumpkins who are too stupid to run our own lives.

This is nothing new for Democrats.  Back when they were fighting hard to keep slavery legal one of the arguments Democrat politicians used was that Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives so slavery was good for them.

The only thing that's changed is now Democrats apply that argument to all Americans.

Every election is now critical because it's not between two parties who share a common love of America and accept that the we the people are in charge but between the Republicans, who for all their bumbling still love America, and the Democrats whose objective is to tear America down and rebuild it as Venezuela.

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