Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tearing down statues is fascist and shows that Democrats are tyrants at heart

In America if one finds this or that statue offensive one can peacefully protest in order to convince our representatives to take down the statue.

That's how things are supposed to work and I know of no one, including Trump, who says that legislators don't have the power to remove statues.  He, and others, may disagree with their choices but everyone respects the fact that government statues can be removed by the government.

But Democrats aren't following the process.  They're not convincing politicians to remove statues they're unilaterally tearing them down.

That's fascist and tyrannical because it says that a tiny minority can impose its will on we the people outside of the democratic process.

You can image the outcry if an Obama statue was torn down by a mob of Tea Party folk.  Well maybe you can't since people on the right aren't fascists and wouldn't tear down a statue. We know this because the statue of mass murdering Lenin hasn't been torn down.

Of course rejecting democracy and supporting tyranny is nothing new for Democrats. Their party was founded on the idea that Blacks could be slaves but that they'd count as 3/5ths of a person for representation in Congress.

Similarly Democrats couldn't get abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy, including shortly after birth, passed through the Congress but they applauded when the Supreme Court imposed it in a tyrannical act.

Gay marriage was shot down by 51,000,000 American voters but having failed at the ballot box the Democrat won via a Supreme Court mandate.

In fact if you look at the Democrat social agenda, ranging from coddling criminals to denying women quality medical care, it's all been imposed by the Supreme Court.  Not one jot of it has been passed by Congress.

Democrats don't want to represent you they want to rule over you.  Their belief that the democratic process is only for others shows that at heart they're fascists.

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