Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Black attitudes about the police aren't what the media says they are

It turns out that Blacks aren't people who love living in high crime neighborhoods and hate the police.

Sean Collins, a radical leftist, writes:

At the core of this rage is a legitimate fear for black Americans: the sense that they can be killed anywhere at any time by anyone, but especially by law enforcement. It is a feeling black Americans have carried for all of America’s history.

This is of course insane in light of George Floyd.  The officers involved were fired within hours and in jail within days.  If that's indication

The reality is that Blacks are killed by other Blacks not by the police. The thousands of Blacks murdered each year are overwhelming killed by other Blacks.

Interestingly it was only in the Democrat run South where cops could kill Blacks with impunity yet leftists tell us that Blacks should trust the Democrat party, the party of slavery and the KKK, to look out for Black interests.

The reality that it's in Democrat run cities like Chicago where the vast majority of Blacks are murdered.  Clearly the Democrat parties racist roots haven't been expunged.

The simple reality is that Blacks want both non-racist cops and safe streets.  Both are perfectly reasonable requests.

Part of the perception problem is that since Blacks are about 3 times more likely to commit crimes than whites, though the percentage of Blacks who are criminals is very small, police will naturally target Blacks for questioning.

While it's understandable that Blacks are bothered by that it's also understandable that it happens. 

However the reality that the primary victims of Black criminals are other Blacks means that the vast majority of Blacks who are honest oppose defunding the police.

When asked their assessment of the police 21% said very satisfied, 51% said somewhat satisfied, 12% said somewhat dissatisfied, and 5% said very dissatisfied.

Clearly despite their desire for cops to not "harass" them 72% of Blacks are satisfied with the police.  Now that doesn't mean that they wouldn't like improvements but it's clear that the whole "abolish the police" is coming from whites who live in safe neighborhoods not Blacks who desperately want to live in safe neighborhoods.

Contrary to elitist whites view of Blacks Blacks are like everyone else. They don't want their kids to be randomly shot; they want to be safe in their neighborhoods.

Historically the only way to achieve that is via the police because contrary to leftist beliefs criminals aren't all nice people who will stop murdering their fellow Blacks if they're talked to nicely.

But of course there's no cost for whites living in safe neighborhoods if the police are removed.  The primary victims will be poor Blacks.

And the fact that those elitist Democrat whites don't care about Blacks is obvious from the fact that they are completely unconcerned about the thousands of Blacks who are shot each year in Democrat run cities.

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