Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Defund Doctors; some of them kill patients

People who generally break the law, like Democrats and Antifa, are calling for an abolition of the police.

I guess it's also good for getting out the felon vote for Democrats.

These left wing loons, who all live in safe areas where they never need the police, don't really have a rational plan for dealing with actual crime.

That's amazingly racist of course since Blacks are far more likely to be the victims of crime than whites.

The reason for eliminating the police is, allegedly, because some cops kill innocent people.

Well there are a lot of doctors who have killed innocent people too due to drinking, drugs, or shear incompetence.  Look at Kermit Gosnell for example.

So clearly Democrats are going to start calling for defunding doctors right?


We know very few innocent people are killed by the police every year, far fewer than the numbers the that die through medical malpractice, because everyone of them becomes a national news story.

But more importantly many of those stories turn out to be bogus.  For example Rayshard Brooks is held up as an example of the police killing an innocent Black man. Problem is that he assaulted the officers, stole one of their tasers, and shot it at the police before the police shot him.

The same prosecutor who is charging the police officer for defending himself declared a few weeks before the shooting that a taser is a "lethal" weapon.

If there were lots of innocent people being shot by the police the left wouldn't have to lie so much.

The question the Democrats never ask is how many people would die if there were no police?

Thanks to De Blasio in New York we are getting an idea.  In reaction to the whole George Floyd situation he's cut the NYC police budget by over a billion dollars and pulled the police back.

As a result violent crime has increased by 300%, and the budget cuts haven't even kicked in yet.

But De Blasio doesn't care because the victims are all people of color.

In Baltimore after the whole Freddy Gray incident the Mayor threw the police under the bus. As a result the police were less proactive and more Blacks died to due crime.

Why should we let thousands of innocent Blacks be killed by criminals to avoid an occasional case of a cop unjustly killing one Black?

That's like saying we should deny medical care to people because some doctors kill their patients.

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