Thursday, July 2, 2020

Democrats say Russians putting a bounty on Americans is bad but Iranian's killing Americans is ok

The latest bit of #FakeNews that has Democrats all excited is the lie being peddled by the New York Times that Trump knew that Russia was paying the Taliban to kill Americans.

The NYT's "source" is an anonymous individual.

The claim has been refuted by everyone involved, on record, including the Intelligence Community.  What might have happened is that some low level analyst came to that conclusion but there was no consensus and the President wasn't briefed on it.

Anyone familiar with the IC knows that it generates thousands of such "conclusions" every week. The analysts aren't being stupid or even dishonest but when faced with a picture where most of the pieces are missing sometimes people conclude that there's something in the picture that isn't in fact there.

That's why before those "conclusions" get to the President they're examined by a spectrum of people who end up ascribing different levels of certainty to them.  The IC has a very nuanced vocabulary to describe just how sure they are of any given conclusion.

In this particular case they weren't sure enough to brief Trump.

What makes the NYTs story even more vile is that the same Democrats who condemned Trump for killing Iranian terrorist mastermind Soleimani are now attacking Trump for not starting a nuclear war with Russia.

The IC was 100% sure that Soleimani was behind the killings of hundreds of Americans throughout the Middle East.  Yet when Trump had him killed the Democrats were all upset.

But now we have one analyst thinking that the Russians offered bounties for Americans killed by the Taliban and the Democrats are furious that Trump hasn't done anything.

During the Korean war the US knew that Russians were flying fighters that were killing Americans but said nothing. Why? Because we didn't want to start a world war over it.

Similarly during the cold war the Soviet Union killed many Americans who were flying intelligence collection missions outside of Soviet territory.  Once again in order to avoid a nuclear war the government, run by Democrats and Republicans, didn't make a big deal about it.

The American people are very tolerant but when Americans are killed they tend to suddenly get pro-war.  The Spanish American war for example only became possible when the Spanish were falsely blamed for killing Americans by destroying the battleship Maine--the Maine actually exploded due to a problem in its coal bins.

So even if Trump had been briefed on this speculation--after all the Taliban have been killing Americans for 19 years why would they suddenly need to be bribed to do so?-- the fact that he didn't cause a confrontation with Russia which could have escalated into a nuclear war is a sign that he's a good rational President not a loose cannon.

What's clear is that all that motives Democrats is gaining political power. If Trump found a cure for cancer they'd attack him for causing nursing homes to be overcrowded because people would be living longer.

When we had clear evidence that Iran was directly killing Americans Democrats cried a river that we retaliated but now when there is no real evidence of Russia putting a bounty on Americans they are saying that Trump is horrible for not doing something.

Perhaps Democrats think that their plan to let Iran get nuclear weapons has already succeeded so that Iran is as dangerous as the Russians are with their thousands of nuclear weapons.

But odds are that this is just one more example of how the Democrats don't care about you or about America.  All they care about is getting more power over you so that they can tell you how to live and what your religious beliefs are allowed to be.

UPDATE:  It turns out that not only wasn't Trump briefed on this claim Democrat Adam Schiff was back in February.  He didn't mayor do anything about it.  So all of the charges being levied against Trump should be directed at Schiff.

But of course since Schiff is a Democrat he can do no wrong.

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