Tuesday, July 21, 2020

No Virginia Joe Biden isn't a man of faith; at least of faith in God

Joe Biden proudly and repeatedly says that he's a good Catholic.

The Catholic Church teaches that every abortion is the murder of an innocent child.

Joe Biden is for abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

Joe Biden is for your tax dollars to pay for non-medically motivated abortions.

The Catholic Church teaches that while suffering from same sex attraction isn't sinful living the massively promiscuous gay lifestyle is.

Joe Biden is all for redefining marriage to include same sex couples.

The Catholic Church teaches that artificial contraception is sinful.

Joe Biden has said that he will use the full power of the government to force the Little Sisters of the Poor, Catholic nuns, to commit what he knows are mortal sins.

Clearly Joe's faith is whatever the Democrat party approves of.  As what Democrats want change Joe's "faith" changes too.

He used to say he was Catholic because he opposed taxpayer funding of abortion but he's now enthusiastically calling for taxpayer funding of abortions.

When we talk of a man of faith in America we're talking about someone who adheres to the teachings of Jesus or Yaweh not someone who just says he believes in Jesus when he's running for election.

Clearly Joe feels that Jesus didn't provide any commandments only "guidance" that he, Joe, can accept or reject depending on what's best for his election chances.

If Joe had even a little bit of real faith he'd have at least stuck to his opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion and refused to force Catholic nuns to effectively offer sacrifices to idols.

Since he hasn't taken one principle stand in support of the faith he claims to hold it's clear he's not even remotely like a "man of faith".

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