Sunday, July 12, 2020

While the Court ruled 7-2 that the government can't force people to go against their faith those 2 are a serious problem

Justices Ginsburg and Sotomayor ruled that the government can force people to go against their deeply held religious beliefs.

If that's not tyrannical I don't know what is.

They said that Catholic nuns who live in poverty and serve the poor could be forced to help provide contraceptives to their employees.

Aside from the fact that anyone who doesn't support the Church's position on contraceptives can work elsewhere the point is the 1st Amendment is clear; we have not a right to worship but a right to exercise, ie live out, our faith.

No one was stopping any employee of the Little Sisters of the Poor from spending the $9.99 a month it costs to buy contraceptives.

The Little Sisters weren't firing people who used contraception.

The Little Sisters just didn't want to be forced to do what their sincerely held religious beliefs say is spitting in God's face.

Ginsburg and Sotomayor's ruling is equivalent to saying that the government could require Jewish and Muslim markets to sell pork.

In a saner time those judges would be immediately impeached because clearly they don't care about what the Constitution actually says.

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