Wednesday, July 22, 2020

COVID19 deaths are concentrated in a few counties

It turns out that 30 counties which contain 15.7% of the US population account for 48.6% of the China virus deaths.

Analysis by the Heritage Foundation has found that 24 of those 30 counties are in the North East between Philadelphia and Boston.

It turns out that 10% of the counties, with 62% of the US population, accounts for 90% of the China virus deaths.

Clearly the China virus isn't an American problem in the sense that most of America hasn't really been hit hard.

Yet Democrats want to use a cookie cutter approach where all of America faces the same restrictions as the places which are hardest hit.

That's because the shutdown isn't about keeping Americans safe but about getting Joe Biden elected.

While conservatives agree that the people most at risk, those over 70, should be given special protection Democrat Cuomo in New York forced nursing homes to take China virus patients and as a result thousands of New York elderly died.

At the same time however Cuomo is all for forcing young Americans, those under 40, who are at no more risk than they are in a regular flu season to be out of work.

It's all about creating a new Depression with the hopes that the lying #FakeNews media will blame this all on Trump and not on China and Democrats like Cuomo.

But the good news is that despite the number of cases increasing the number of deaths is going down.

What this shows is that the pandemic is over; the number of people dying is no more than what we'd expect there was no pandemic.

That's not surprising because as we all know it's the elderly who are dying and it's not clear that tall that's happening is that they're dying a little bit sooner than they would have otherwise.

Only 7% of COVID19 deaths have only one cause of death listed.  So an elderly person who dies of a heart attack unrelated to their COVID19 infection is listed as a COVID19 death but they would have died anyway even if they hadn't contracted the virus.

It's time to stop playing the Democrat's game and open up America while providing accommodations for the small portion of the population that is at serious risk.

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