Friday, July 24, 2020

Why does Joe Biden want schools to teach more about Islam when they can't teach about Christianity?

For decades militant atheists on the left have done all they could to drive religion out of the public square.

The Supreme Court has supported their efforts by pretending that the Constitution contains a wall between Church and state.

The reality is that no such wording exists; it's something the Court made up.

Whatever the case the reality is that Christianity has been driven out of public schools.  While a teacher who proselytizes for the atheist faith, and atheism is a faith since they can't prove that the Bible etc are false so they're beliefs are based on faith not facts, a Christian teacher would be fired for trying to teach kids about his faith.

But now Joe Biden has called for schools to teach more about Islam:

"I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith. I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. It's one of the great confessional faiths,"

He said this to a Muslim group.  To be fair Christianity is one of the "great confessional faiths" but I don't recall hearing Joe tell a Christian group that Christianity should be taught in public schools.

That's not odd give that the left is in love with Islam.

At first glance that appears to be odd since Islam treats women as second class citizens, kills gays, and wages terrorism around the world.

But as they say the enemy of your enemy is your friend and Islam is the enemy of Judaism and Christianity.  The left views Christianity and Judaism as their enemy because both preach that the power of Government is limited; that people have inalienable rights that politicians can't take away.

The left's agenda is based on taking away all our rights.

They want to limit what we can say to what they want to hear.  Doubt that?  That's what then whole "hate speech" movement is about. Anything that leftists don't like is by their definition "hate speech" which isn't, according to them, protected by the 1st Amendment.

They want to limit what our religious beliefs can be to what conforms to their morality. Doubt that?  Hillary Clinton said that religions are going to have to change their beliefs to conform to what the Democrat party believes in.

They support the use of mob violence to achieve their objectives while the Judeo-Christian tradition preaches against violence except in self defense or the defense of others.

Since there are so few Muslims in America the left doesn't feel threatened by them.  What's bizarre however is that many on the left apparently don't know anything about Islam. The proof of that are gay men holding signs proclaiming unity with Muslims when gay men are routinely executed for being gay in some Muslim countries.

Unless Joe publicly declares that Christianity should be taught in schools we can take this statement by him as just a part of the left's attempt to destroy America as it is and replace it with a fascist state where the elites run the country and we the people are forced to conform to the beliefs of the elites.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Compare the positions of the (D) party, the (R) party and Christianity on abortion, same sex marriage, euthanasia and assisted suicide. While some Protestant sects have no problem with them Catholicism teaches that they are all intrinsic and grave moral evils. A Catholic cannot in good conscience vote for anyone who supports those positions while another candidate is available who does not support them. Compare the likely positions of God and Satan on those issues. Which is more likely to support them and which is more likely to condemn them? It is telling that Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic, as does Nancy Pelosi for that matter. Andrew Cuomo is also Catholic and he signed into law one of the nation's most expansive abortion laws. I believe that all three of these are giving grave scandal. This is all about destroying America. Archbishop Vigano was correct when he pointed out that what the Left is doing can be summarized by the inscription seen on the forearms of statues of Baphomet, "Solve et coagula" - tear down and rebuild. They want to tear America down and rebuild her without all those "pesky bits" such as God, faith, the Constitution and the nuclear family.