Monday, July 13, 2020

The shutdown is causing deaths; We need to balance those against China virus deaths

All we hear about from the #FakeNews media and the Democrats is that we have to keep the country shut down until November when the shut down will end just as it did when Democrats wanted to riot.

Of course they're all collecting their salaries, Democrats in the House don't even need to vote remotely to collect their pay, and the Democrat base is mostly still employed because they can work from home or they were already on welfare so it doesn't matter to them that they can't leave their parent's basement.

But for real people being locked up can be fatal.

Steve Manzo is dead because of the shutdown and given his age he'd have easily survived catching COVID19.

His death is due to the shutdown; a bug he couldn't avoid.

We've know for a long time that there are vulnerable and not so vulnerable portions of society.

The elderly and those with preexisting conditions are at risk and we as a society need to protect them.

But folks under 50 who are healthy don't need to treat this as anything more than a bad flu season.

But government has never been known for its finesse so it applies the same rules to everyone.

One study predicted as many as 150,000 deaths of despair due to suicides and drug ODs if the shutdown lasts long.

But Democrats don't care. Keeping the economy down and people despairing is the Democrat's ticket to get voters to vote for Joe Biden whose cognitive failures are so severe that he's avoided most unscripted settings.

And all that matters to Democrats is power.

Joe wants to increase your taxes, reduce your safety, and impose a new huge regressive tax on the poor by driving up energy costs.

And he's the best the Democrats could find once they drove Bernie out of the race.

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