Tuesday, July 28, 2020

ABC says that violence is "intense peace": We're definitely living in 1984

One of the big lies that the #FakeNews media is pitching these days is that the riots by Antifa in places like Portland are "peaceful".

This lie is critical because if people realized that Trump was sending in Federal officers to protect Federal employees and government property from violence and death they wouldn't believe the Democrats lies.

Pelosi's calling Federal agents "stormtroopers" is clearly the action of a dishonest lying fascist when one knows that in fact the agents are dealing with bomb throwing rioters and insurrectionists not peaceful protesters.

When the riots started, more than 2 months ago, one reporter was talking about how they were mostly peaceful with a building the "peaceful" protesters had set on fire burning in the background.

Given how the same "reporters" covered the peaceful protests against Michigan's capricious and draconian shelter in place orders and the Tea Party  protests--they condemned them as being at the left violent adjacent-- it's clear that they're all for real violence if it advances the Democrat cause.

ABC however has taken the lie to a whole new level:

As the folks at PowerLineBlog point out ABC is calling violence "intensified peace".

George Orwell warned us about this distortion of the language but it's a tool that fascists always use to convince people that their use of force is really good.

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