Friday, July 31, 2020

De Blasio says that schools should be open but he won't open them

The Democrat mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, plans to provide child care for 100,000 students in the fall but keep schools closed most of the time with students attending school only 1 or 2 days a week.

Given that we know from a study in LA that Blacks and Latinos do far worse with distance learning than white and asian kids keeping the schools closed is clearly a racist policy.

But more importantly child care settings are more prone to spreading disease than a classroom where for most of the time kids are sitting in desks 3 ft apart.

If you're going to shove kids into child care why not let them go to school?

Essentially de Blasio is proposing all the health risks associated with school, which according to science aren't bad, but without the actual learning.

Also it's been shown that kids of color are less likely to participate in distance learning so that means that keeping the schools closed is racist.

Why is de Blasio willing to hurt kids?

Because Democrats are unified in their belief that your suffering, your children's suffering is a price worth paying for Democrats getting more control over every aspect of your life.

They believe if the situation is bad enough in America you'll vote for a change, namely Joe Biden, even if that change is to a guy whose policies would have made the pandemics impact on America worse.

Democrats don't care about you; they only care about power.

Planned Parenthood's NY abortion mill cancels Margaret Sanger but continues to prey on Blacks

Everyone who has studied the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, knows that she was a virulent racist and eugenicist.

She sent a complementary note to Hitler about his eugenics policies, though not about the Shoah.

Here's a few more examples of her racism:

  • She said “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”
  • She favored forced sterilization of the "unfit"
  • She gave a speech to the KKK
  • She wrote "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it”; note she was talking about infants who had already been born

Yet for decades Planned Parenthood(PP) has been extolling her virtues.  The highest award that PP gives is named after her.

Until last week the flagship PP abortion mill in New York City had Sanger's name on their facility.

But now they've expunged her because of her "racist legacy" and her "connections to the eugenics movement".

PP as a whole hasn't taken this step and it continues to defend her.

But more importantly PP still targets Blacks for abortion.  80% of PP abortion mills are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.  Blacks are 3 times more likely to abort their babies than whites.

There are recordings of conversations where PP took donations with the caveat that they could only be used to abort Black babies.

If PP wasn't just as racist as Margret Sanger they'd be talking about ways to fix the huge racial disparity between white and Black abortions.  Instead they are silent.

The reality is that PP and the Democrat politicians and #FakeNews media members who praise PP are either enthused about killing off Blacks--it's not uncommon to hear leftists talk about how abortion reduces welfare costs and crime and when rich white people talk about people on welfare they're not thinking about whites--or they don't care enough to speak out against the huge racial disparity.

Either way it's clear that Black Lives Don't Matter to PP, Democrat politicians, or the #FakeNews media.

If Black lives did matter those folks would be calling for safe and legal abortions while simultaneously decrying the fact that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort than white women.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

If America is systemically racist why do Ghanian Americans earn more than White Americans?

As part of the big lie that America is systemically racist the Democrat party's platform declares that the median income of minorities is lower than that of whites.

But that's not the case as this chart shows:

Ghanians and Nigerians are Black.  Yet they earn more than white Americans.

Clearly that shows that America can't be systemically racist.

In a systemically racist society white people would earn more than anyone else but that's clearly not the case.

Indian Americans earn nearly twice what white Americans do and they're brown skinned.

What this shows is that America is a land of opportunity not a racist hell hole.

Black Americans have lower incomes not because of society racism but because of Democrat racism.

It's the single parent Black families created by Democrat welfare programs that are a major part of the problem.

But the fact that Democrats allow Blacks to live in unsafe neighborhoods where thousands of Blacks are shot each year, in Democrat run fiefdoms like Chicago, is a major contributor too.

As is the fact that the public schools in Democrat run cities fail to educate Blacks and the Democrats refuse to allow Blacks to have school choice so their kids can attend schools that will educate them.

Hispanics earn less because so many of them are illegal immigrants with few skills who have trouble with English.

The bottom line is that if America was systemically racist Blacks from Africa couldn't earn more than whites.

The same people who attack Hydroxychloroquine want women taking dangerous abortion drugs

Democrats are depending on keeping us all locked up so that the economy tanks in order to win in November.

Every treatment that is proposed they attack.  One of their most bizarre claims is that Hydroxychlorquine(HC) is dangerous and shouldn't be used.

To listen to them HC is a new experimental drug but the reality is that it's used by large numbers of people who suffer from arthritis and who want to avoid getting malaria.

Here's what the CDC says about who can take HC:

Hydroxychloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The only people that the CDC says shouldn't take HC are people with psoriasis.

Yet if you read the #FakeNews media talk about it you'd think that HC is a milder version of cyanide.

We're told about it's horrible side effects. But here's what the CDC says about HC's side effects:

Hydroxychloroquine is a relatively well tolerated medicine. The most common adverse reactions reported are stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and headache. These side effects can often be lessened by taking hydroxychloroquine with food. Hydroxychloroquine may also cause itching in some people.

All medicines may have some side effects. Minor side effects such as nausea, occasional vomiting, or diarrhea usually do not require stopping the antimalarial drug. If you cannot tolerate your antimalarial drug, see your health care provider; other antimalarial drugs are available.

That seems to be completely out of sync with what the lying #FakeNews media is reporting doesn't it?

We know that Democrats and the #FakeNews media don't really care about people's health because as they condemn HC they demand that women be able to take a highly dangerous drug that kills their unborn babies.

Democrats have been demanding that women have access to abortion causing drugs without having to talk to a doctor.

In fact a District Judge circumvented the FDA's policies, policies based on the significant dangers associated with the drug, and ruled that requiring women to see a doctor before taking this potentially lethal medicine is unConstitutional.

Effectively the Judge declared that a very dangerous drug should be treated as an over the counter medicine which goes against generations of proven policies designed to protect people.

Not only does the drug, mifepristone, often fail--around 6% of the women taking it will require a surgical abortion-- it's dangerous with more than 3% of women using it requiring a visit to the emergency room as a result of their taking it.

Since 2000 the FDA has recorded 4000 "adverse reactions" to the drug which is a vast undercounting since there is no requirement to report such reactions. Women who take the drug and show up at an ER aren't generally recorded as being their due to mifepristone.

Further 24 women have died because of the drug; once again given the limited reporting requirements it's unclear how many have actually died.

Yet Democrats who condemn HC want women to take this drug without a doctor supervising it.

What's clear is that Democrat politicians don't care about your health or about women's health.

What they care about is power. They think locking down the country and blaming Trump will get them power and they don't care if that leads to people dying.

Similarly they want to be able to use women as objects rather than love them as people so they are quite willing to expose women to dangerous drugs in order to ensure that men aren't ever forced to pay child support.

Twitter bans Doctors talking about COVID19 but allows Chinese officials to blame the virus on the US military

Lijian Zhao a flunky in the Chinese government that's sent more than a million Muslims to concentration camps has tweeted multiple times that the US military may have spread the China virus to Wuhan China.

Twitter says that that's ok:

"Presently, direct interactions with fellow public figures, comments on political issues of the day, or foreign policy saber-rattling on economic or military issues are generally not in violation of the Twitter Rules,"

Yes that's the same Twitter that limits and "fact checks" what Trump says.

It's also the same Twitter, and Facebook, that have banned a video by real frontline doctors talking about the China virus disinformation spewed by the #FakeNews media.

The video was viewed 17 million times before the social media giants censored it because it said the Hydroxychloroquine was a cure for COVID19 and that we don't need masks to slow the spread of the disease.

First at the very least the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine is under debate. There is no proof that it doesn't work with conflicting studies showing that it does and doesn't work.  Hence to say that the doctors are wrong distorted what the word wrong means and redefines it to mean disagreeing with what the #FakeNews media wants to be true.

Second Dr. Fauci as recently as a few months ago told us that wearing masks wasn't of any value.  While wearing masks probably does help it's clearly politics not science that motivates censoring someone for saying something that was considered to be correct recently.

The objective of all leftists, including those running Twitter and Facebook, is to silence all dissenting voices because if people have access to those voices they'll see that the left is lying to them.

The left can never win arguments based on logic, facts, and reason because their policies are illogical, contrafactual, and unreasonable.  Hence they have to silence all other voices if they are to have any chance of convincing Americans to support their policies.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Befuddled Biden is Bernie's ventriloquist dummy

Joe Bide, you know the alleged moderate, has just signed on to Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez's radical agenda.

In fact if you actually examine what Joe is standing up for you'll find that he's taking on most of the lunatic, socialist, anti-freedom policies of the extremists on the left.

Joe Biden is supporting AOC's Green New Deal which means he's for stopping you from eating beef as well as keeping you from flying in airplanes.

Joe Biden is supporting Obama's radical agenda to make the suburbs into densely packed cities without private houses and with lots of subsidized housing.

Joe Biden says that he will use the full power of the government to force Catholic nuns to help provide contraception and abortion.

Joe Biden wants to impose a huge regressive tax on the poor by drastically raising energy prices in order to combat "global warming" climate change.  The poor spend a higher fraction of their money on energy than the rest of society so raising energy costs will hurt them the most.

Joe Biden wants to halt deporting people who aren't refugees but who were caught sneaking into the US illegally. Apparently our laws don't apply to foreigners who have, according to Joe, a right to be here.

Joe's apparently all for the descendants of union soldiers who died ending slavery and the children of legal immigrants who came to America after the Civil war paying reparations to Blacks who have never been slaves.  Oddly he doesn't appear to want Democrats, whose ancestors fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal to pay any more than people whose ancestors fought to free the slaves.

Joe wants to make sure low skill workers can't get jobs by putting the minimum wage to $15.  Studies show that raising the minimum wage hurts entry level workers and those with few job skills because they simply don't generate $15 worth of revenue an hour and businesses can't print money.

Joe wants to eliminate Trump's tax cuts and take more of your hard earned money so that he and his Democrat cronies can spend it.

Joe's demand for 12 weeks of paid medical/family leave is a new tax because businesses will either pay less or raise prices.

Joe wants to repeal "right to work" laws that say that people can't be forced to joint unions. That's right Joe's for using the power of government to force people to join unions so their dues can be used to support Democrat politicians.

Joe wants higher taxes on "wealthier" Americans which means that if you're not on welfare he's going to raise your taxes.

Joe wants the DMV to run your health care.  While not calling for Medicare for all he's calling for the grossly inefficient and corrupt Federal government to provide a health care plan.  It will include free "platinum" quality care for people with low incomes. Paid for of course by hard working Americans who only have "bronze" level coverage for themselves.

Joe wants to provide free medical care to illegal aliens who came to the US as children even if they're now adults.

Joe wants to let people come into the US from countries where we can't verify their identities.  Clearly Joe is saying that like everyone else in the world terrorists have a right to come to America.

Joe wants everyone who applies for refugee status to be allowed in the US even though many of them  don't show up for their hearings and hence end up being illegal immigrants.

Joe wants to make sure that Blacks don't get a good education. Charter schools, which do a much better job teaching Blacks than public schools, would be banned.

Joe opposes school choice for Blacks.  Clearly he loves the teachers unions money more than he cares about Black kids getting an education.

Joe wants to tax the 60% of Americans who don't go to college to provide free community college and forgiveness of $50K of college debt for the 40% who do go to college.  He also wants to pay all the college debt of people whose college education was worthless, they earn less than $125K a year.

Clearly Joe Biden is no more moderate than AOC.

But the #FakeNews media and Joe will keep lying to you in hopes that you'll vote for the man who talked about little kids stroking his leg hairs and who called a voter who disagreed with him a "dog faced pony soldier".

Defund Doctors; some of them kill patients

People who generally break the law, like Democrats and Antifa, are calling for an abolition of the police.

I guess it's also good for getting out the felon vote for Democrats.

These left wing loons, who all live in safe areas where they never need the police, don't really have a rational plan for dealing with actual crime.

That's amazingly racist of course since Blacks are far more likely to be the victims of crime than whites.

The reason for eliminating the police is, allegedly, because some cops kill innocent people.

Well there are a lot of doctors who have killed innocent people too due to drinking, drugs, or shear incompetence.  Look at Kermit Gosnell for example.

So clearly Democrats are going to start calling for defunding doctors right?


We know very few innocent people are killed by the police every year, far fewer than the numbers the that die through medical malpractice, because everyone of them becomes a national news story.

But more importantly many of those stories turn out to be bogus.  For example Rayshard Brooks is held up as an example of the police killing an innocent Black man. Problem is that he assaulted the officers, stole one of their tasers, and shot it at the police before the police shot him.

The same prosecutor who is charging the police officer for defending himself declared a few weeks before the shooting that a taser is a "lethal" weapon.

If there were lots of innocent people being shot by the police the left wouldn't have to lie so much.

The question the Democrats never ask is how many people would die if there were no police?

Thanks to De Blasio in New York we are getting an idea.  In reaction to the whole George Floyd situation he's cut the NYC police budget by over a billion dollars and pulled the police back.

As a result violent crime has increased by 300%, and the budget cuts haven't even kicked in yet.

But De Blasio doesn't care because the victims are all people of color.

In Baltimore after the whole Freddy Gray incident the Mayor threw the police under the bus. As a result the police were less proactive and more Blacks died to due crime.

Why should we let thousands of innocent Blacks be killed by criminals to avoid an occasional case of a cop unjustly killing one Black?

That's like saying we should deny medical care to people because some doctors kill their patients.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

ABC says that violence is "intense peace": We're definitely living in 1984

One of the big lies that the #FakeNews media is pitching these days is that the riots by Antifa in places like Portland are "peaceful".

This lie is critical because if people realized that Trump was sending in Federal officers to protect Federal employees and government property from violence and death they wouldn't believe the Democrats lies.

Pelosi's calling Federal agents "stormtroopers" is clearly the action of a dishonest lying fascist when one knows that in fact the agents are dealing with bomb throwing rioters and insurrectionists not peaceful protesters.

When the riots started, more than 2 months ago, one reporter was talking about how they were mostly peaceful with a building the "peaceful" protesters had set on fire burning in the background.

Given how the same "reporters" covered the peaceful protests against Michigan's capricious and draconian shelter in place orders and the Tea Party  protests--they condemned them as being at the left violent adjacent-- it's clear that they're all for real violence if it advances the Democrat cause.

ABC however has taken the lie to a whole new level:

As the folks at PowerLineBlog point out ABC is calling violence "intensified peace".

George Orwell warned us about this distortion of the language but it's a tool that fascists always use to convince people that their use of force is really good.

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot blames everyone but herself for the mass shootings of Blacks in her city

You can count on death, taxes, and thousands of Blacks being shot in Chicago every year.

Oddly the Democrats who have been running Chicago for nearly 90 years say it's not their fault.

White or Black the Democrats who run the city all propose the same solution; gun control.

The fact that some of the most restrictive gun control laws in America haven't made a dent in the slaughter of Blacks doesn't seem to bother the rich Democrats who run the city.

Now Lightfoot is blaming other states for her problem.  According to her Chicago is

“being inundated with guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons.”

The first thing to note is that assault weapons, which are fully automatic, are illegal in every state so clearly she doesn't know what she's talking about.

But the main problem is that she's acting like people from Texas are coming into Chicago and offering innocent law abiding people guns.

The reality is that if guns were the problem the places which don't have gun control would be inundated with shootings but in fact they're peaceful.

In Chicago it's nearly impossible to get a gun yet there's lots of violence.

Clearly it's not guns but people that are the problem.

A person is shot every 2 hours and 13 minutes in Lightfoot's Chicago and murdered every 11 hours and 24 minutes.

There are thousands of shootings each year in Chicago because her administration lets most shooters get away with it.

Historically only about 33% of murders result in a suspect being charged. Last year there was a huge bump with the Chicago Police Department(CPD) declaring it had closed 53% of the murder cases.  The only problem was that of the 261 murders the CPD declared to be closed 152 were closed without anyone being charged.

Lightfoot was taking credit for closing murders that her police department just gave up on.  Now that's the Democrat way.  It's also probably racist since while Blacks make up 30% of the Chicago population 77.7% of the victims of shootings.

We all know that if nearly 3000 white people were being shot in Chicago each year more would be done.

Why doesn't Democrat Lightfoot care more?  Well one reason she doesn't is that Democrat politicians use the gangs to get out the vote  and Democrats are all about power.

The other reason may be that she buys into the general view held by Democrat politicians that Blacks are just more violent and less intelligent. Democrats say that despite the fact that Japanese Americans went from being in prison camps to making significantly more than white Americans without any special government help Blacks are incapable of doing so.  

Democrats, like their slave owning predecessors, have a very paternalistic view of Blacks. They really can't cut it on their own and they need rich white Democrats to help them live their lives.

Whatever the reason the reality is that Lightfoot seems disinclined to do anything that would actually make Black neighborhoods safe.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Teacher's union hating on students

Pediatricians all agree that it's best for kids if the schools are reopened.

But teachers unions are demanding all sorts of things before that happens.

In North Caroline a teachers union is demanding that the entire state be shut down as well as:

  • A rent and mortgage moratorium
  • Universal health care
  • Direct income support for illegal aliens

This despite the fact that the fraction of people being tested who have the virus is staying constant, the increase in cases is due to more testing, and the fact that the death toll from the China virus has been going down steadily since late May.

Like all Democrats this teacher's union is using the China virus as an excuse to demand all of the socialist policies that people don't want.

There are no peaceful protests in Portland

For the last 60 days around 2000 people, about 0.3% of the population of Portland, have been violently attacking America.

They're attacking America in two ways; first they're attacking Federal property and second they're rejecting the entire idea of the rule of law.

While not everyone of them has thrown a Molotov cocktail they've all supported the violence and hence aren't "peaceful" protesters.

In one night the "peaceful" protestors did the following:

  • Tried to tear down a fence around a Federal building
  • Threw flaming objects over the fence
  • Fired mortar style fireworks at the building and government workers
  • Threw rocks at the police
  • Threw a caustic substance at the police
  • Vandalized a Federal building
  • Threw Molotov cocktails
  • Used lasers to try to permanently blind the police

I'm so old that I remember when the #FakeNews media was aghast and all atwitter about people legally carrying guns protesting about a draconian lockdown in Michigan.

I'm so old that I remember how the #FakeNews media and Democrats reacted to the Tea Party's protests.

Apparently legally carrying a gun is not peaceful if you're a conservative but blinding police and throwing explosives is peaceful if you're a leftist.

Can you imagine how the Democrats and #FakeNews media would react if pro-lifers did this to an abortion mill?

Can you imagine how the Democrats and #FakeNews media would react if Christians did this to one of the government buildings in a state where it's legal to riot, get weed, or have an abortion but illegal to go to church?

The reality is that Democrats and their propaganda arm, the #FakeNews media, are fascists and like the Nazi's and the Communists they have their own little army that they use to attack anyone they don't like.

Of course Antifa, and the Democrats use of them, is nothing new.

After losing the Civil War they fought to keep slavery legal Democrats founded the KKK to terrorize anyone who didn't agree with them; which included Catholics as well as Blacks.

Antifa is just the 21st century incarnation of the KKK.

Throughout history Democrats have been perfectly comfortable using force rather than the ballot box to achieve their objectives.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Supreme Court rules that gambling is more "essential" than going to church

In Nevada casinos can operate at 50% capacity but churches can only have 50 attendees at services.

The Supreme Court ruled, 5 to 4 with Roberts in the majority, that this is ok.

Oddly the Constitution says we have the right to exercise our religion but it no where says we have a right to gamble.

The reality is that the folks on the Supreme Court don't think religion has any value and they don't actually follow the Constitution any more.

What's clear is that the Court will defend religious liberty in only a very narrow sense; for example it only ruled that Trump changing Obama's demand that Catholic nuns not participate in providing contraceptives and abortion drugs is legal not that the nuns have the Constitutional right to not participate in something they consider to be gravely evil.

Leftists hate religion because if our rights come from God then there are limits on Government power.

Since leftists are fascists who think they're better than we the people and who think that they should be running our lives they view religion as the enemy.

It's now racist to say that museums will show works by whites

In San Francisco, where Blacks overrepresented in the homeless population by a factor of 6, the senior curator of painting and sculpture bath the SF Museum of Modern art has resigned.

His crime?  Alleged white supremacy.

What did he do?  At the end of a talk about how the museum needed to diversify its content to reflect artists of other races he said “don’t worry, we will definitely still continue to collect white artists.”

Of course this is to be expected in a society that says that "All Lives Matter" is racist.

The reality is that these left wing loons are the racist ones.  Not only do they ignore real racism--the fact that thousands of Blacks are shot year after year in Democrat run cities and the fact that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women-- but they clearly hold racist views about whites--except themselves of course.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Another #FakeNews Big Lie: Most people don't want schools to reopen

Here's a headline:

AP-NORC poll: Very few Americans back full school reopening

That would lead one to think that most of the people in the poll said they didn't want the schools to reopen.

But that's the exact opposite of what the polls results show.

In fact the poll shows that 68%( 46+14+8) of the respondents want the schools to reopen and only 31%, mostly Democrats, say they want the schools closed.

The article goes on to say:

Only about 1 in 10 Americans think daycare centers, preschools or K-12 schools should open this fall without restrictions, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs. Most think mask requirements and other safety measures are necessary to restart in-person instruction, and roughly 3 in 10 say that teaching kids in classrooms shouldn’t happen at all.

The findings are a sharp contrast to the picture that President Donald Trump paints as he pressures schools to reopen. Trump said Wednesday that he would be “comfortable” with his son Barron and grandchildren attending school in person this fall.

Which is an out and out lie since the very poll they're citing shows that 68% of Americans are in agreement with Trump.

The article totally ignores the serious damage to children if schools remain closed and the fact that studies have shown that children of color are hurt more by distance learning.

Similarly it eschews any mention of the fact that European schools have reopened with no consequences.

Contrary to the article we have clear proof that Democrats want to close the schools for purely political reasons.

We can ignore the teachers unions demands for free health care for illegals or defunding the police as a precondition to reopening schools and simply look at what NYC is doing.

The Democrat mayor is keeping the schools closed but creating daycare for 100,000 kids.  But all the fears about school are equally applicable to daycare; essentially daycare is school without the education.

Clearly Democrats don't believe that crowding kids into daycare centers will hurt them so they can't believe that crowding them into schools will hurt them either.

This is why you can't trust anything you read in the #FakeNews media.

Democrat think: Antifa would never start a fire but the police would

A Portland commissar, err commissioner, Jo Ann Hardesty said:

“I want people to know that I do not believe there’s any protesters in Portland that are setting fires, that are creating crisis. I absolutely believe it’s police action, and they’re sending saboteurs and provocateurs into peaceful crowds so they justify their inhumane treatment of people who are standing up for their rights,”

That shows you where Democrats are. They believe that Antifa which has a long history of violence wouldn't start fires but the Portland police, who put their lives on the line to defend the people of Portland, would.

Clearly Hardesty views the police as the enemy not rioters.

Hardesty has walked back her charge a bit but her "apology" included this:

In a lengthy statement, reported by KPTV, she said that she was “angry, frustrated, and horrified by what has happened these past 50 days” and that she feared someone would be killed “because of an officers’ inability to de-escalate or walk away from a situation.”

Note she doesn't blame the people who are throwing rocks at the police but she's concerned that a police officer might hurt someone in self defense.

Clearly she hates the police and loves rioters.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Stanford Doctor says there's no reason to keep kids out of school

We all know that kids are essentially invulnerable to the China virus.  While some kids will get sick and some even might die the numbers are smaller than the number who will get sick and die in a typical flu season.

We can't live risk free lives.  If we applied the left's criteria we'd prevent kids from being in cars since kids die in car crashes every year.

Of course we need accommodations for older teachers or those who suffer from health conditions that put them at higher risk than they'd be in a typical flu season.

But since most teachers don't fall into that category there is no way we should punish the children by keeping them uneducated.

The doctor saying all this is Dr Atlas former head of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center.

He points out that long distance learning has been a failure. In our school district for example kids got  one hour a week with a teacher in a large zoom session.  A study from LA shows that minority kids are much less likely to participate in distance learning so keeping the schools closed will cause a significant racial disparity.

Atlas points out that European countries--such as Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark-- have opened up their schools and there hasn't been any problem.

Teacher's unions are opposing reopening schools until a smorgasbord of leftists programs including universal health care, defunding the police, and welfare for illegal aliens are enacted.

As with the shutdown in general the left is weaponizing children to ensure that Joe Biden, who declared that Trumps travel ban on China was "xenophobic", gets elected.

Democrat politicians don't care about you. They care about power. They're more than willing to let you and your children suffer if it means they get more power over every aspect of your life.

Why does Joe Biden want schools to teach more about Islam when they can't teach about Christianity?

For decades militant atheists on the left have done all they could to drive religion out of the public square.

The Supreme Court has supported their efforts by pretending that the Constitution contains a wall between Church and state.

The reality is that no such wording exists; it's something the Court made up.

Whatever the case the reality is that Christianity has been driven out of public schools.  While a teacher who proselytizes for the atheist faith, and atheism is a faith since they can't prove that the Bible etc are false so they're beliefs are based on faith not facts, a Christian teacher would be fired for trying to teach kids about his faith.

But now Joe Biden has called for schools to teach more about Islam:

"I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith. I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. It's one of the great confessional faiths,"

He said this to a Muslim group.  To be fair Christianity is one of the "great confessional faiths" but I don't recall hearing Joe tell a Christian group that Christianity should be taught in public schools.

That's not odd give that the left is in love with Islam.

At first glance that appears to be odd since Islam treats women as second class citizens, kills gays, and wages terrorism around the world.

But as they say the enemy of your enemy is your friend and Islam is the enemy of Judaism and Christianity.  The left views Christianity and Judaism as their enemy because both preach that the power of Government is limited; that people have inalienable rights that politicians can't take away.

The left's agenda is based on taking away all our rights.

They want to limit what we can say to what they want to hear.  Doubt that?  That's what then whole "hate speech" movement is about. Anything that leftists don't like is by their definition "hate speech" which isn't, according to them, protected by the 1st Amendment.

They want to limit what our religious beliefs can be to what conforms to their morality. Doubt that?  Hillary Clinton said that religions are going to have to change their beliefs to conform to what the Democrat party believes in.

They support the use of mob violence to achieve their objectives while the Judeo-Christian tradition preaches against violence except in self defense or the defense of others.

Since there are so few Muslims in America the left doesn't feel threatened by them.  What's bizarre however is that many on the left apparently don't know anything about Islam. The proof of that are gay men holding signs proclaiming unity with Muslims when gay men are routinely executed for being gay in some Muslim countries.

Unless Joe publicly declares that Christianity should be taught in schools we can take this statement by him as just a part of the left's attempt to destroy America as it is and replace it with a fascist state where the elites run the country and we the people are forced to conform to the beliefs of the elites.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

British Judge rules that the Steele dossier contains inaccurate data

Worrying about how the Deep State tried to undo the 2016 election by pretending that Trump colluded with Russia is something the Democrats and the #FakeNews media want you to forget about.

Apparently there is no level of treason is high enough for Democrats to be held accountable for it.

But since most Americans don't share the Democrat's view here's an interesting update on the notorious Steele Dossier.

That document was compiled by a former British spy, Steele, and consisted of unverified rumors which Steele used Hillary Clinton's money to buy from anonymous Russian sources.

That's right the entire collusion attack on Trump was based on a dossier compiled by a foreign national, paid for by Hillary, and containing nothing more than unverified rumors from Russians.

Well it turns out that two people who Steele accused of making payments to Putin sued Steele in England.

The judge has no ruled in their favor saying that the dossier contains several items which are "inaccurate or misleading as a matter of fact".

That's the judges way of saying that Steele either lied or made things up.

The judge pointed out that before smearing the two men who sued Steele, and Trump, Steele hadn't done even tried to verify the contents of his dossier.

We now know that that dossier was the only "evidence" the Deep State had to justify its attack on Trump.

There is no surge in COVID19 deaths; It's a lie

What's actually happening is that states aren't reporting China virus related deaths when they occur.

Here's a plot of deaths by date of occurrence and by date reported.

Note the total number of deaths for the orange and blue lines are the same; the only difference is when deaths have been reported.

Now since it takes weeks for the paperwork to be processed it's possible that deaths are going up but it's not certain.

Among the factors that will keep the death count down even as the number of cases go up are:

Most new cases are for people who are under 70 and hence unlikely to die
Most states aren't repeating NY's error and putting COVID19 patients in nursing homes
Treatment options have improved

This is just one more example of how the #FakeNews media will lie to help Democrats. If Obama were president today the coverage would be all about how deaths are going down due to his brilliant management of the crisis.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A study by a leftist finds that leftists patronize minorities; no surprise there

We know that the Democrat party is racist today just like it was racist when it fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal, when it founded the KKK, when it passed all the Jim Crow laws, and when it instituted a welfare system that destroys poor Black families.

Today Democrats say that unlike Asian Americans and Jewish Americans Black Americans can only succeed if white leftists help them.

We see Democrats ignoring the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities and we also see that Democrats refuse to go against the teacher's unions in order to allow inner city Blacks to get a decent education; going so far as to label letting Blacks pick their schools as "racist".

Hence it's not surprising that a study shows that "liberals" , ie leftists and Democrats, tend to speak in patronizing ways to minority audiences.

The study was done back in 2018 by academics from Princeton and Yale, hardly bastions of racism although Yale is named after a slave trader.

Cydney Dupree is a professor at Yale who worked on the study. She said:

“It was kind of an unpleasant surprise to see this subtle but persistent effect,” Dupree said in a press release. “Even if it’s ultimately well-intentioned, it could be seen as patronizing.”

African-Americans typically are stereotyped in American society as less competent and white liberals’ behavior toward them might reflect this bias, Dupree said.

This is amazing on multiple levels.

First it's clear that if a leftist like Dupree says the effect is real it's unlikely that she's making it up.

The fact that she's surprised reveals to us how leftists view themselves as superior.

But most interestingly is her statement that society views Blacks as less competent.

What she's really saying is she views Blacks as less competent.  Conservatives say that Blacks can succeed without special help or lower standards but leftists say that Blacks need both. Clearly conservatives believe that Blacks, given a decent education, can be just as competitive as whites but leftists don't think that's the case.

COVID19 deaths are concentrated in a few counties

It turns out that 30 counties which contain 15.7% of the US population account for 48.6% of the China virus deaths.

Analysis by the Heritage Foundation has found that 24 of those 30 counties are in the North East between Philadelphia and Boston.

It turns out that 10% of the counties, with 62% of the US population, accounts for 90% of the China virus deaths.

Clearly the China virus isn't an American problem in the sense that most of America hasn't really been hit hard.

Yet Democrats want to use a cookie cutter approach where all of America faces the same restrictions as the places which are hardest hit.

That's because the shutdown isn't about keeping Americans safe but about getting Joe Biden elected.

While conservatives agree that the people most at risk, those over 70, should be given special protection Democrat Cuomo in New York forced nursing homes to take China virus patients and as a result thousands of New York elderly died.

At the same time however Cuomo is all for forcing young Americans, those under 40, who are at no more risk than they are in a regular flu season to be out of work.

It's all about creating a new Depression with the hopes that the lying #FakeNews media will blame this all on Trump and not on China and Democrats like Cuomo.

But the good news is that despite the number of cases increasing the number of deaths is going down.

What this shows is that the pandemic is over; the number of people dying is no more than what we'd expect there was no pandemic.

That's not surprising because as we all know it's the elderly who are dying and it's not clear that tall that's happening is that they're dying a little bit sooner than they would have otherwise.

Only 7% of COVID19 deaths have only one cause of death listed.  So an elderly person who dies of a heart attack unrelated to their COVID19 infection is listed as a COVID19 death but they would have died anyway even if they hadn't contracted the virus.

It's time to stop playing the Democrat's game and open up America while providing accommodations for the small portion of the population that is at serious risk.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

No Virginia Joe Biden isn't a man of faith; at least of faith in God

Joe Biden proudly and repeatedly says that he's a good Catholic.

The Catholic Church teaches that every abortion is the murder of an innocent child.

Joe Biden is for abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

Joe Biden is for your tax dollars to pay for non-medically motivated abortions.

The Catholic Church teaches that while suffering from same sex attraction isn't sinful living the massively promiscuous gay lifestyle is.

Joe Biden is all for redefining marriage to include same sex couples.

The Catholic Church teaches that artificial contraception is sinful.

Joe Biden has said that he will use the full power of the government to force the Little Sisters of the Poor, Catholic nuns, to commit what he knows are mortal sins.

Clearly Joe's faith is whatever the Democrat party approves of.  As what Democrats want change Joe's "faith" changes too.

He used to say he was Catholic because he opposed taxpayer funding of abortion but he's now enthusiastically calling for taxpayer funding of abortions.

When we talk of a man of faith in America we're talking about someone who adheres to the teachings of Jesus or Yaweh not someone who just says he believes in Jesus when he's running for election.

Clearly Joe feels that Jesus didn't provide any commandments only "guidance" that he, Joe, can accept or reject depending on what's best for his election chances.

If Joe had even a little bit of real faith he'd have at least stuck to his opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion and refused to force Catholic nuns to effectively offer sacrifices to idols.

Since he hasn't taken one principle stand in support of the faith he claims to hold it's clear he's not even remotely like a "man of faith".

Proof that mailing all voters a ballot can lead to fraud

My daughter left the state we her parents live in years ago.

But she just got an application to become a permanent by mail voter here.

If I were dishonest then I could fill it out and vote for her, even as she votes in her new home state, in perpetuity.

That's bad.

But if Democrats get their way and everyone on the voter rolls is sent a ballot then that means that if we were dishonest my wife and I would get 3 votes.

Now we wouldn't do that.

Most Democrat voters wouldn't do that.

But if even a small percentage of Democrat voters and/or illegal aliens who live where a US citizen used to live and hence receive that citizens mail in ballot do take advantage of the Democrat created situation it could result in enough votes to win elections for Democrats.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Democrats want to keep kids out of school: That's racist

A new study showed that in Los Angeles Black and Latino students participated in distance learning programs, instituted after the China virus hit, at 10 to 20% lower rates than white and asian students.

Which means if the schools stay closed Blacks and Latinos will suffer the most.

Yet the LA Teachers union doesn't want the schools opened until the police are defunded and there's a ban on new charter schools--which by the way have a proven record of helping Blacks more than public schools do.

Across the country Democrats are calling for the schools to be closed.

They're doing so because that's what the teacher's unions want; to be paid for not working.

They're also doing it because the worse society is the more likely Democrats think that otherwise sane people will vote for Joe Biden.

While Europe has reopened its schools and there has been no mass suffering much less dying by students Democrats want your kids kept uneducated so long as it hurts Trump.

Your kids suffering is a price Democrats are willing to pay to get more power over every aspect of your life.

It's bad enough that the Democrats ignoring science and demanding that schools be closed hurts all kids but it's down right racist for Democrats to support it when they know it will hurt Blacks the most.

Yes Virginia Joe Biden does want to defund the police

While Joe Biden doesn't actually say he wants to defund the police he has labeled them as the "enemy" and said that some of the money, how much he hasn't specified,  used for the police should be redirected elsewhere.

Now if you take money away from the police that's defunding the police no matter where the money you take ends up. Hence redirecting money from the police is the same as cutting the police departments budget; ie defunding the police.

It is true that Joe hasn't come out for abolishing the police but that's a small comfort to all the poor inner city Blacks who are already suffering from under policing.

While Joe and his rich white friends get all upset about the rare cases where a police officer kills an innocent Black man the reality is that thousands of Blacks are murdered each year not by police but by fellow Blacks.

Rich leftists like Joe, college students, and Silicon Valley tech workers don't see why we need police because they live in safe areas where all the police do is bust their drug dealers and give them speeding tickets.

But for inner city Blacks the police are all that stand between the vast majority of honest Blacks and the small fraction of predators.

Nancy Pelosi calls Federal agents "stormtroopers"

In Portland rioters have laid siege to the Federal building. They've tried to prevent people from leaving and they've fired fireworks into the building.

Because Trump isn't a fan of mob rule but rather a fan of the rule of law Federal agents have acted to protect the Federal building and Federal employees.

That's right. Nancy equated Federal officers preventing rioters from destroying government property and hurting government workers with Nazi's who murdered 6,000,000 Jews.

She is either abysmally ignorant or she's lying. The mobs aren't just drawing graffiti. 

They've used industrial strength lasers to damage the eyes of police officers.

They broke the windows in federal buildings.

They launched fireworks and threw objects at the police and the Federal courthouse.

They fired fireworks, which are explosive devices, into the court house.  If one of those big ones goes off near you you can be seriously injured; that's why people aren't allowed right by the fireworks stand at a fireworks display.

One person was arrested with a pipe bomb.

 A mob of 500 assaulted DHS officers with rocks and bottles.

Cleary Nancy is a fascist herself who believes that mobs, so long as they support her cause, should be able to destroy and attack citizens at will.

Historically the Democrats used the KKK to silence any who opposed them and to ensure that they won elections.

Today however Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs are picking up the KKK flag and using violence and intimidation to crush anyone who dares stand against Democrat party tyranny.

That Pelosi would side with violent radicals attacking Federal workers and Federal buildings shows she's all for getting power through violence and that she's fine if innocent people are hurt.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Chuck Schumer wants to cut taxes for the rich

In a recent talk in Lake Success on Long Island Schumer said:

“Restore full SALT,”

No he's not talking about the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty the US has with Russia.

He's talking about State And Local taxes.

One of the reforms that Trump put in place limits how much in state and local taxes people can deduct on their taxes.

This doesn't impact regular folk since the cap is at $10,000 and only the very rich pay that much in state taxes.

But it does impact the rich Democrats who live in Blue states with obscenely high taxes.

Those folks were subsidized by the rest of America until Trump fixed the problem.  

For example California has ridiculously high state taxes; Texas has no state income tax.

Because rich Californians could deduct all of their insanely high taxes they paid less into the Federal coffers than did Texans who made the same amount of money.

The Democrats running California got lots more money and the rich Democrats living in California got to deduct every penny that went to the spend crazy Democrats running California.

Clearly Schumer isn't for raising taxes on the rich because if he was he'd be all for limiting SALT deductions.

That's why when Democrats talk about raising taxes on the rich you know that rich Democrats will somehow not end up paying more.

Wanted babies are never clumps of cells: Nicole Thea edition

I've never heard of Nicole Thea but she had 200,000 YouTube and Instagram followers; apparently she talked about dancing and beauty.

Sadly at 24 she died.  She was pregnant at the time and her unborn son, already named Reign, died too.

But since he was unborn he wasn't really a person; just a blob of cells right?


The #FakeNews media acted honestly for once talking about Thea's parents loss of not only a daughter but a grandson and about how her partner, Jeffery Frimpong aka Global Boga, lost not only a partner but a child.

CNN and the HuffPo talked about "unborn child" and "unborn son".

Recently CNN called a baby who survived and abortion attempt and was born alive as a "fetus that was born" so the shocking admission that the unborn aren't alien beings but human beings is shocking.

The reality however is that leftists know that the unborn are human.

They just believe that the mother has the right to murder her children so long as she does so before or shortly after they're born.

They understand that abortion is murder and they're fine with that which is why they tend to ignore the mass murder of dissidents in China.

To the left killing of "undesirables" is a good thing.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Joe Biden wants to ban gasoline powered cars; denying cars to anyone who isn't rich

Electric cars cost more than gasoline cars do.

That's why the vast majority of the $5 billion of your dollars spend subsidizing electric cars has gone to very rich people.  You know the Silicon Valley types who buy Teslas.

Joe says that the day he's elected he's going to put in new pollution requirements that will ensure that every new light and medium duty vehicle will be electric, or technically zero emissions.

Given that today only 2% of new cars are electric he's essentially telling us he's going to determine what cars we can buy.  Which means that unless a miracle occurs and electric cars plummet in price he's saying that a lot of us won't have cars.

What's interesting is that he talks about zero emission vehicles. There is no such thing.

What Joe's doing, and every other Democrat, is pretending that all electricity in America comes from wind or solar.

The reality is that electric cars can be worse in terms of emissions than gasoline powered cars in places where electricity is generated by coal or natural gas.

What people forget is that modern gas engines are clean; they emit only 1% of the pollution that cars in the 1960s emitted and when we compare those clean engines to coal power plants we find that we're better off with non-electric cars.

So Joe's banning cars for the middle class won't even make the environment better; it'll make it worse.

But that's ok. Joe's war isn't really with pollution but with your freedom.

A car means you can go where you want when you want.

Joe wants to turn the suburbs into dense cities without single family homes to make us all more dependent on government; it's no accident that city dwellers tend to vote for big government Democrats.

If you don't have a car, and Joe also says he supports AOC's Green New Deal which says that us commoners won't be able to fly in planes, then we're stuck.

Like serfs in Russia who couldn't leave their village without their local rulers permission we'll be stuck in our houses dependent on public transit which can be shut down whenever the government wants.

This is part of the Democrat's war on freedom.

They want to limit your freedom and force you to live the way they want you to live.

Joe'll still get to be driven around in a limo, electric or otherwise, and he'll still be able to fly on a plane but you won't.

Another #FakeNews media big lie: Apparently a cop didn't shoot a young boy because he ignored the sign in sheet at a recreation center

As part of the left's war on sanity The Atlantic published an article arguing for the abolition of the police by Derecka Purnell.

The core of the article is how when she was 12 she saw a police officer shoot a kid because the kid had ignored the sign in sheet at the rec center.

On the face of that that's absurd.  The incident would have occurred somewhere between 2001 and 2003, her article lacks certain information so we can't be sure of the exact date, not in the 1950s Democrat run South so the likelihood of a cop shooting a kid for no reason being unheard of is rather slim.

But the folks at the Federalist have done a deep dive and they've shown that it's pretty clear that the shooting never occurred.

Using the highly detailed descriptions in the article they were able to identify the rec center as one of two in St. Louis.  Of course the fact that the article doesn't name the youth center, or the date of the shooting, is highly suspicious in itself.

Purnell says that the event deeply affected her, which if it had happened makes perfect sense, but she doesn't have the date or location on the tip of her tongue.

The Federalist checked on the internet and with the St. Louis police and no shooting of any sort, other than possible one suicide, occurred at either of the two potential rec centers.

There's no mention of the shooting in the local papers of the time.

Jeff Roorda, a Democrat state representative, doesn't recall the event.

Jacob Long, a former reporter and spokesman for the St. Louis mayor, was living in St. Louis at the time and has no recollection of the shooting.

The Federalist reached out to both Purnell and The Atlantic asking for supporting data  and got silence.

Clearly if Purnell wasn't lying she should be able, and eager, to show that the folks at the Federalist are wrong and that in fact the shooting she described really occurred.

Silence on the other hand sure looks like a tacit admission of guilt.

Of course Purnell knows The Atlantic won't admit to being scammed since the lie was for the "greater good"; namely leaving poor Blacks unprotected by eliminating the police.

Folks who call for getting rid of cops live in safe neighborhoods where they never see and never need a police officer.  They don't apparently care about poor people who are the victims of crime who will be left defenseless, remember the folks who want to abolish the police also want to keep you from having a gun to defend yourself.

This is just one more example of how Democrats will tell any lie to gain more power over you.

UPDATE: The Atlantic has admitted that the story was wrong.  It turns out when the woman was 13, not 12, she saw a private security guard shoot his adult, not child, cousin over a dispute.

Apparently The Atlantic did no fact checking on the story otherwise such a major correction wouldn't have been needed.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Doctors starve a Black man to death because his quality of life wasn't good enough: BLM silent

Michael Hickson, 46, was left to starve and his COVID19 wasn't adequately treated because doctors declared that his quality of life wasn't good enough.

He was conscious, alert, and while unable to speak he was able to communicate via expressions.

His wife didn't have authority over his health care because some other relative was suing her over that so the state took over Michael Hickson's life and decided that he didn't have a life worth living.

He was a quadriplegic which apparently meant his life wasn't worth saving to the state.

Even as his wife tried to get him treated the doctors said that she had no input.

After 6 days without food or treatment Michael Hickson died.  Or more accurately his doctors subjected him to 6 days of suffering as part of their killing him.

Yet all the voices who say that Black Lives Matter have been silent about this as they're silent about the 200,000 extra Black babies aborted each year--if Blacks aborted at the same rate as whites there would be 200,000 more Black babies born each year.

Clearly Black lives only matter when they can be used to advance the Democrat's agenda.

Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture is racist

On the organizations web site says "whiteness" is associated with:

  • Rugged individualism
  • The nuclear family
  • An emphasis on the scientific method
  • A belief that hard work is the key to success
  • Respect for authority
  • Understanding delayed gratification

Which either means most American Blacks are really white or that the organization is racist because it believes that Blacks lack these qualities.

The site says:

"Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.”

Which means that the organization is saying that Blacks and other minorities do in fact tend to lack the qualities listed above.

That's about the most racist thing I've ever heard.

What they're saying is that Blacks are lazy--they don't value hard work--, unscientific--they reject the scientific method--, don't have nuclear families--the Blacks who aren't on welfare, like Obama, generally do have perfectly nuclear families--, and are collectivists.

I don't know of anyone the left has smeared as a racist whose known by more than  few people who holds a view of Blacks as negative and demeaning as that.

Maybe the folks who wrote this are racist.  

Are they attacking Democrats for the fact that 1000s of Blacks are shot in Democrat run cities each year?

Are they attacking Democrats for supporting abortion when Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women?

Are they attacking Democrats for denying Black kids the same school choice that rich white kids have?

Somehow I doubt it.

UPDATE: The web page has been taken down.  Oddly the #FakeNews media isn't going 24/7 condemning the obvious racism; can you imagine if Trump said that Blacks don't believe hard work is the key to success?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Joe Biden is running against himself

Joe Biden says he opposes the 1994 law that supposedly led to over incarceration of Blacks.  At the time he boasted of supporting it.

Joe Biden says America is systemically racist. He should know he boasted of getting an award from racist Democrat George Wallace.

Joe Biden was VP for 8 years and now he's saying he's going to fix what he did back then.  He was a big proponent of Obamacare which Democrats are now saying has to be drastically changed.

The simple reality is that Joe Biden has never done anything actually productive either in or out of government.

Why should anyone believe that after 38 years in DC Biden can now suddenly fix all the things that he couldn't fix, or made worse, in those 38 years?

Teachers unions don't care about your kids; only about advancing the leftist agenda

In LA the 35,000 member teachers union is declaring that kids can't get an education unless the police are defunded and charter schools, that succeed in helping minorities where public schools fail, must be limited.

Neither of these issues has anything to do with whether or not resuming on site schooling is safe.

We know that for kids COVID19 is no more dangerous than the flu and we don't shut down the schools every flu season.

Essentially the union is saying we want to keep getting paid but we won't educate your kids unless you bow to our political demands.

While many teachers do care about the kids it's clear that the union only cares about tearing down democracy.

Further defunding the police is highly racist.  Minorities are much more likely to be the victims of crime--and far more likely to be murdered by a non-cop than by a cop-- than whites are.

Minorities live in high crime neighborhoods.

Hence eliminating the police while have little or no impact on well to do whites who live in safe neighborhoods but it will result in more minority deaths.

The 600% explosion in violent crime in New York City after De Blasio defunded the police consists almost entirely of minority victims.

But Democrats don't care.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The BLM riots/protests either caused the uptick cases or show that we should open up the country

During the BLM riots/protests huge numbers of people were shoulder to shoulder shouting--and hence spraying their germs far and wide--usually without masks.

In what the #FakeNews media is saying is a completely unrelated note the number of China virus cases is going up.

If the #FakeNews media is right then clearly we don't need social distancing since if cramming thousands of people together while not wearing masks didn't cause an uptick in cases then social distancing can't be having any impact on the spread of COVID19.

On the other hand if the #FakeNews media is wrong then their blatant lack of concern for Black lives is obvious.

Allegedly most of the protestors were Black.

The #FakeNews media tells us that Blacks are hardest hit by the China virus.

If the #FakeNews media truly believed that violating social distancing would result in deaths then that means they encouraged Blacks to risk their lives to advance Democrat party talking points.

What is clear is that if the uptick isn't due to the riots/protests then the cautious opening of society can't be to blame either since there's far less exposure in the slowly opening states than in the riots/protests.

Bottom line: Either the #FakeNews media is right and the uptick isn't due to the riots/protests in which case the #FakeNews media is wrong about the dangers of opening up society or the #FakeNews media is wrong which means that they encouraged Blacks to risk death to advance the Democrat agenda.

Black attitudes about the police aren't what the media says they are

It turns out that Blacks aren't people who love living in high crime neighborhoods and hate the police.

Sean Collins, a radical leftist, writes:

At the core of this rage is a legitimate fear for black Americans: the sense that they can be killed anywhere at any time by anyone, but especially by law enforcement. It is a feeling black Americans have carried for all of America’s history.

This is of course insane in light of George Floyd.  The officers involved were fired within hours and in jail within days.  If that's indication

The reality is that Blacks are killed by other Blacks not by the police. The thousands of Blacks murdered each year are overwhelming killed by other Blacks.

Interestingly it was only in the Democrat run South where cops could kill Blacks with impunity yet leftists tell us that Blacks should trust the Democrat party, the party of slavery and the KKK, to look out for Black interests.

The reality that it's in Democrat run cities like Chicago where the vast majority of Blacks are murdered.  Clearly the Democrat parties racist roots haven't been expunged.

The simple reality is that Blacks want both non-racist cops and safe streets.  Both are perfectly reasonable requests.

Part of the perception problem is that since Blacks are about 3 times more likely to commit crimes than whites, though the percentage of Blacks who are criminals is very small, police will naturally target Blacks for questioning.

While it's understandable that Blacks are bothered by that it's also understandable that it happens. 

However the reality that the primary victims of Black criminals are other Blacks means that the vast majority of Blacks who are honest oppose defunding the police.

When asked their assessment of the police 21% said very satisfied, 51% said somewhat satisfied, 12% said somewhat dissatisfied, and 5% said very dissatisfied.

Clearly despite their desire for cops to not "harass" them 72% of Blacks are satisfied with the police.  Now that doesn't mean that they wouldn't like improvements but it's clear that the whole "abolish the police" is coming from whites who live in safe neighborhoods not Blacks who desperately want to live in safe neighborhoods.

Contrary to elitist whites view of Blacks Blacks are like everyone else. They don't want their kids to be randomly shot; they want to be safe in their neighborhoods.

Historically the only way to achieve that is via the police because contrary to leftist beliefs criminals aren't all nice people who will stop murdering their fellow Blacks if they're talked to nicely.

But of course there's no cost for whites living in safe neighborhoods if the police are removed.  The primary victims will be poor Blacks.

And the fact that those elitist Democrat whites don't care about Blacks is obvious from the fact that they are completely unconcerned about the thousands of Blacks who are shot each year in Democrat run cities.

Monday, July 13, 2020

The shutdown is causing deaths; We need to balance those against China virus deaths

All we hear about from the #FakeNews media and the Democrats is that we have to keep the country shut down until November when the shut down will end just as it did when Democrats wanted to riot.

Of course they're all collecting their salaries, Democrats in the House don't even need to vote remotely to collect their pay, and the Democrat base is mostly still employed because they can work from home or they were already on welfare so it doesn't matter to them that they can't leave their parent's basement.

But for real people being locked up can be fatal.

Steve Manzo is dead because of the shutdown and given his age he'd have easily survived catching COVID19.

His death is due to the shutdown; a bug he couldn't avoid.

We've know for a long time that there are vulnerable and not so vulnerable portions of society.

The elderly and those with preexisting conditions are at risk and we as a society need to protect them.

But folks under 50 who are healthy don't need to treat this as anything more than a bad flu season.

But government has never been known for its finesse so it applies the same rules to everyone.

One study predicted as many as 150,000 deaths of despair due to suicides and drug ODs if the shutdown lasts long.

But Democrats don't care. Keeping the economy down and people despairing is the Democrat's ticket to get voters to vote for Joe Biden whose cognitive failures are so severe that he's avoided most unscripted settings.

And all that matters to Democrats is power.

Joe wants to increase your taxes, reduce your safety, and impose a new huge regressive tax on the poor by driving up energy costs.

And he's the best the Democrats could find once they drove Bernie out of the race.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

While the Court ruled 7-2 that the government can't force people to go against their faith those 2 are a serious problem

Justices Ginsburg and Sotomayor ruled that the government can force people to go against their deeply held religious beliefs.

If that's not tyrannical I don't know what is.

They said that Catholic nuns who live in poverty and serve the poor could be forced to help provide contraceptives to their employees.

Aside from the fact that anyone who doesn't support the Church's position on contraceptives can work elsewhere the point is the 1st Amendment is clear; we have not a right to worship but a right to exercise, ie live out, our faith.

No one was stopping any employee of the Little Sisters of the Poor from spending the $9.99 a month it costs to buy contraceptives.

The Little Sisters weren't firing people who used contraception.

The Little Sisters just didn't want to be forced to do what their sincerely held religious beliefs say is spitting in God's face.

Ginsburg and Sotomayor's ruling is equivalent to saying that the government could require Jewish and Muslim markets to sell pork.

In a saner time those judges would be immediately impeached because clearly they don't care about what the Constitution actually says.

De Blasio demonstrates that social distancing isn't important

This is the same mayor who used the police to prevent Jews from holding religious services and who locked Jews out of a park.

Apparently De Blasio thinks Jews are dirty and more likely to spread COVID19 than white folk like himself.

No wonder New York is one of 3 states that accounts for 42% of all COVID19 deaths.

But the real point here is that it's clear that De Blasio only wants America shut down to increase the chances that Democrats will win in November not because he's concerned that if young healthy people are let free that they'll die.

Similarly there's no way a voting line would be this crowded so clearly there's no need to mail out ballots to everyone.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

ANTIFA is playing with fire and they may get burned

Members of Antifa seem to be kids who got a lot of participation trophies.

They've been coddled and protected their whole lives and that continues to be the case.

Unfortunately they think that they can beat up people and get away with it.

When people actually fight back, whether it's the Proud Boys or the police, Antifa goons start yelling unfair.

The danger is that Antifa will go too far.

Many of them have started having guns, BLM folks have guns too.

If they start using those guns they will suddenly find out just how combat ineffective they are.

They'll shoot first and when the streets run red with their blood they'll go crying to Pelosi their "mommy" and the other leftists Democrats who've been approving of Antifa's violence.

But by then it'll be too late.

I don't want to see that happen but if leftists let Antifa get away with breaking law after law and using force to silence enemies of the Democrat party it's almost inevitable that Antifa will go too far and suffer the consequences.

That's why it's imperative that all government officials apply the law to rioters and secessionists even if those miscreants are supporting the Democrat party.

You're 4 times more likely to die from COVID19 in Democrat run states

New York, where Cuomo forced nursing homes to take patients with the China virus, New Jersey and Massachusetts are all run by Democrats and they account for 42% of the COVID19 deaths in America but only 10% of the US population.

Yet Cuomo is lecturing the states that have opened up about what a bad job they're doing.

Here's the deaths per million number for some states:
  • New Jersey(D): 1728
  • New York(D): 1660
  • Massachusetts(D):1189
  • Arizona(R): 265
  • Florida(R):179
  • Texas(R): 94
If Cuomo cared about New Yorkers he'd be begging those Republican governors for advice.

But Cuomo, like the vast majority of Democrat politicians, doesn't care about we the people only about power.

The Democrats believe that if they make life in America horrible enough people will vote for them.

They count on the #FakeNewsMedia to lie and put the blame on Trump for the Democrat policies that are failing us.

Essentially the Democrats find your misery an acceptable cost to pay for them to have more control over every aspect of your life.

Yes cases are rising in states where the people are no longer in prison but the deaths are going down.  Young people are getting and dealing with the China virus which is good since even Bill Maher says we can't hide from the virus.

Once we get herd immunity because young healthy people can't spread the disease the situation will improve greatly for the elderly who are at risk.

If Biden wins you'll see Democrats suddenly declare the all clear just as they did during the George Floyd riots.

We need to practice social distancing, we need to provide protection for the vulnerable, but we don't need to shut down society.