Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Democrats can't manage the Iowa Caucuses but say they should run your healthcare

As I write it's Tuesday morning and we still don't know who won the Democrat's Iowa caucuses.

We do know the results of the Republican caucuses.

Iowa Democrats are saying that the problem was that the application that they used, which they say had been verified to be secure, was reporting partial data which required them to go to a backup system.

Imagine if Democrats get their Medicare for all dream where your life literally depends on the government and the Dr's app only reports partial data; the Dr sees you've got an infection but not that you're very allergic to certain antibiotics.  You end up dying due to an allergic reaction.

Sure after you're dead the Democrats will figure out what went wrong and fix the problem which will undoubtedly give your family joy because they know you won't have died in vain.

As Scripture says someone who can be trusted with little can be trusted with much but someone who can't even manage to correctly tally votes in Iowa can't be trusted with your life.

And of course the elephant in the room isn't the Republican party but the question of was this really an innocent error and can we trust the results?

We know that the DNC is doing everything it can to ensure that Bernie isn't their Presidential candidate just as they did in 2016.

Right before the caucuses the poll that always comes out didn't come out because of a potential problem; Bernie leading?

Then, for the first time ever, the Democrats can't manage to tally the votes.

Is this cover for massive voter fraud?

Given that the Democrat party has been using voter fraud for decades, I grew up in Chicago where the joke was that Mayor Daley--a Democrat--was such a great mayor that people came back from the dead to vote for him, it's clear we can't assume that chicanery might not be involved.

Democrat voters will never be able to know with confidence what the results of the Iowa caucuses was.

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