Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Democrats stand for infanticide

Once again the Senate is discussing the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act.

That bill says that if a little girl survives an abortion attempt and is born alive she should be given medical care.

Democrats--like Sanders, Klobuchar, Pelosi, Gov. Northam, Obama, and Warren-- say no. They say that the mother should be allowed to let her fully born and healthy daughter die through neglect.

When Democrats talk about abortion "extremism" they aren't talking about that.

The reality is that Democrats are so extreme about abortion that they support post birth abortion; ie infanticide.

Senate Democrats voted against this Bill in the past and the Democrats in the House have prevented a vote on it thereby saying that they support infanticide but they don't want to go on record about it.

What does the law say?  It says:
  • If a child is born alive during an abortion, the abortionist must provide the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as they would for any other child born alive (through normal circumstances) at the same gestational age.
  • The child must then be immediately transported and admitted to a hospital for further care.
But Democrats object to that. 

Obama led the way by objecting to a similar bill in Illinois when he was a State Senator.

Governor Northam of Virginia, the guy who either wore Black face or a KKK costume, said:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he continued. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

He said that a perfectly healthy completely born baby could be left to die if that's what the mother wanted.

When Bernie Sanders and other Democrats say that there is no room for pro-lifers in the Democrat party this is what they're talking about; abortion for any reason at any point in time during a pregnancy and also immediately after birth for any reason.

The most "moderate" Democrat, Klobuchar, says that she'll accept pro-life votes but won't do anything other than support the most extreme abortion policy; Buttigieg's position is the same.

Today, sadly, the Democrat party, which claims to protect the underdog, supports killing unborn girls because the mother wants a boy and supports abortion as a form of birth control.

Only 0.3% of abortions are due to a threat to the mother's life and when you throw in rape, incest, and  minor health issues, including emotional ones, for the mother it adds up to <2 abortions.="" all="" div="" of="">

Most Americans support abortion only for rape, incest, and to save the mother and/or only during the first trimester.

But Democrat politicians support aborting viable babies who could live if simply delivered which isn't surprising since they also support killing born alive babies.

Democrats claim that this isn't an issue; but they're lying.  In 2017 in just 4 states 25 children were born alive after attempted late term abortions. Not surprising given that in the same year there were 11,000 late term abortions.

Back in 1981 before the CDC was taken over by leftists Dr. Willard Cates who was in charge of surveilling abortion statistics at the CDC estimated that there were 400-500 live births after failed abortions each year in the US.

The reality is that today's Democrat politicians at the national level are monsters who would kill a healthy born alive baby just because her mother doesn't want her.

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