Saturday, February 15, 2020

Bernie Sanders encourages Black Racism

By constantly lying about how America is supposedly racist to the core Democrats like Bernie Sanders are encouraging racism like this:

Can you imagine the news coverage if that girl had been white and said that there were too many Blacks in the room?

The ignoring of this not only shows the bigotry that is the core of the #FakeNews media but the results of telling Black people that they can do things like this because they're oppressed.

Bernie Sanders said that America is a “a racist society from top to bottom.”.

If that were true a Black woman would be justified to be afraid if there were too many white people around.  For example back in the post Civil War South white Democrats from the KKK were a real threat to Black people as were the white Democrats who passed all the segregation laws.

But what "racist" society elects a Black President not once but twice?  What racist society has Blacks in key leadership roles?  But the most powerful argument against America being racist is that Black actors are used in insurance company commercials.

Now that sounds odd but think about it.  What insurance companies are selling is that we can trust them to be there when we need them.  It's all about trust.  But if America were racist there is no way that insurance companies would use Black actors to try and build a trust relationship.

For example back in the 1960s when an interracial kiss on TV was considered to be unacceptable in the Democrat run South there is no way that insurance companies would use Black actors to try and convince people that they, the insurance company, was trustable.

But by constantly lying about racism Bernie instills in Black people the mindset that white people are the enemy.

Of course white Democrat politicians are the enemy of Black people but the average white person isn't.

Here are a few ways that Democrat politicians hurt Black people:
  • Say and do nothing about the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities
  • Say that letting poor Blacks have school choice just like rich whites is racist
  • Say that Blacks who don't toe the white Democrat party line are monsters; Kanye, Justice Thomas, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, etc
  • Ignore the fact that Black women are 3x as likely to abort as white women; the one racial disparity that Democrat politicians applaud
  • Ignore the fact that abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks
So maybe what Bernie is really doing is saying that Democrats like himself are racist from top to bottom.

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