Friday, February 14, 2020

Democrats want to repeat their 2008 destruction of the economy

While the #FakeNewsmedia works hard to hide it the great recession of 2008 was due to Democrats.

They pressured banks to make loans to minorities who couldn't afford to pay for the loans.  If the banks didn't do so they were taken to court and otherwise legally harassed.

The banks agreed because they would make the loans and then sell them to Fannie and Freddie, government organizations, so that the banks made money but all the risk ended up on taxpayers.

It was a sweet scheme until housing prices stopped rising and the folks who were lied to about their ability to actually afford their house were foreclosed on.

President Bush had called for reforms of Fannie and Freddie in 2006 because he saw the growing problem. But Democrats blocked that.

Hence the crash in 2008 was due to Democrats demanding that bank loan money to minorities when those minorities couldn't afford it.  In the end the minorities suffered and the entire country was dropped into the biggest recession since the Great Depression.

Now Democrats are trying to do it again. In the House they're working on a rule that would rate banks and credit unions based on their diversity and inclusion. While demanding that banks don't hire the best people but rather hire people based on their race isn't as dangerous as forcing banks to lend to people who can't afford the loan it's a first step to racializing the banking system.

Clearly Democrats like Maxine Water who is pushing this reject Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s call to judge people based on the content of their character not the color of their skin.

Democrats don't care about hurting us and they think that by fooling minorities into thinking that they're helping them Democrats will get more votes and more power.

Once again it's clear that Democrats don't want to help minorities, because forcing banks to lend base on race only hurts minorities in the end. All that matters to Democrats is getting more power.

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