Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Remembering Obama's corruption

Back in 2004 Illinois Senator Obama gave $1M to a hospital whose director was his good friend Valerie Jarret.

Jarrett had hired Michelle Obama and paid her $120k a year to make sure that low income patients were shuttled away from the hospital and to other hospitals while Jarrett's hospital got all the people who could pay their bills.

After the hospital got the $1M Michelle Obama got a bit of a raise; she went from $120k a year to $317k a year.

The hospital went on to hire David Axelrod to explain to poor people why not going to the best hospital was good for them.

The reality is that this is far from the only example of Obama's corruption but it serves to show just why Democrats whining about the emoluments clause or Trump pardoning someone is so hypocritical.

I grew up in Chicago and everyone knows that the Democrats are amazingly corrupt.

Did you know that the gangs in Chicago, the source of most of the thousands of Black on Black shootings the city suffers through, are protected because on election day they "get out the vote" for Democrats?

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