Monday, February 10, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez shows she doesn't know economics

Ocasio-Cortez wrote this on Instagram:

“I was just reading today about how in 1930, famed economist Milton Keynes predicted that by 2030 GDP and technology would have advanced so much that it would allow everyday people to work as little as FIFTEEN HOURS a week and provide for their families,”

Now general speaking we should forgive typos. After all we all make them.

But this one is not really excusable.  

AOC is constantly telling us that she knows economics because she has a bachelors degree in the field. But saying Milton Keynes is like saying "Bill Reagan" or "Ronald Obama"; no one with any knowledge would make that sort of mistake.

Also to be honest a BS in economics isn't really that compelling.  When you hear about economists in the news they're always Ph.D.s.

While there are many fields where a bachelors degree is sufficient to be an expert economics isn't one of them.

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