Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Buttigieg and Warren lie about a Latino man to win Black votes

Back in 2012 Trayvon Martin, a Black teen who boasted of violence and drug use on social media, viscously attacked George Zimmerman who is Latino.

After suffering serious potentially life threatening injuries Zimmerman shot Trayvon in self defense.

He was acquitted by a jury even after Obama interfered by basically saying that Zimmerman was at fault.

But now Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren are smearing him as a white nationalist racist so that they can win points with Black Americans.

Here's what Buttigieg tweeted:

“Trayvon Martin would have been 25 today. How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear? #BlackLivesMatter,”

Aside from the obvious problem that in the Buttigieg's universe Hispanics can't be white nationalists not one jot of evidence of Zimmerman having any racial biases whatsoever has ever been produced.

But that doesn't stop Buttigieg from lying about what actually happened nor does it stop Buttigieg from viscously attacking a Hispanic man for defending himself.

Labeling a man defending himself from an unprovoked attack and possible death "gun violence" shows that extremists like Buttigieg aren't interested in protecting the safety of Americans.  Pete clearly only wants to ensure that the serfs can't revolt as he steals our rights.

Warren tweeted:

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,”

Warren too is lying.  There was no racism in this case, unless Trayvon was a racist who hated Hispanics.  

The world is safe for young Black boys if they're not shot by older black teenagers who belong to gangs.  While Warren added photos of Trayvon when he was 4 to 10 years old she didn't post a photo of him when he was 17; the age at which he attacked Zimmerman.

No one, especially Zimmerman is happy that Trayvon's violent attack on an innocent man left the teen dead.  But good people realize that when you attack someone and pound their head into the pavement your chances of getting hurt go up dramatically.

If Democrats would have had their way Zimmerman would have been unarmed and while Trayvon would be alive Zimmerman quite likely would not be.  Once again Democrat politicians want criminals to be safe and honest citizens to be at risk.

That's also clear from how the "gun control" community, almost all Democrats, are upset that there were armed people in the West Freeway Church of Christ that ended a mass shooting in 6 seconds.  They're saying that if Texas law hadn't been changed to allow that the killer wouldn't have brought his illegally obtained shotgun into the church.

Now that's insanity.  The guy was planning on murdering dozens of people but he would not be willing to break a law saying he couldn't have a gun in church.

Democrats want you defenseless even as they push for shorter sentences for criminals who use guns in crimes.

Oddly while Buttigieg and Warren are quite comfortable lying about a Hispanic they aren't saying anything about the thousands of Blacks who are shot every year in Democrat run cities like Chicago.

Clearly neither of them give a darn about Blacks.  If they did they'd be talking about Tyshawn Lee not Trayvon Martin. Tyshawn's only crime was that his dad was in a gang.  A rival gang originally planned to kidnap 9 year old Tyshawn and torture him but ended up just shooting him.  Here's what Tyshawn looked like when he was killed in Democrat run Chicago:

That's an innocent Black kid who was killed unlike Trayvon Martin.

But Buttigieg and Warren don't dare critique the way Democrats mistreat Blacks because that would cost them votes; and votes are all that matters to those two extremists.

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