Thursday, February 20, 2020

The first cancel culture: Black conservatives don't exist

On Fox, of course, two Black men pointed out that because they're conservative the media and the Democrats say that they don't exist.

Host David Webb and Iraq war veteran and political analyst Rob Smith are both Black and they said that to Democrats they don't exist.

Webb said to Smith:

"You're black, gay and a Republican and an Iraq veteran. We both don't exist. ... Our voices are pushed down,"

Smith went on to point that Democrat policies aren't helping Blacks so that it makes sense for Blacks to not support Democrats.

What's interesting is that this is one more sign of how the Democrat politicians of today are just as racist as the Democrat politicians who fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal.

To todays Democrat politicians any Black who doesn't toe the Democrat party line isn't really Black and deserves to be crushed.

If you doubt that look at how Democrats talk about Black conservatives like Kanye, Candice Owens, Justice Thomas, and Ben Carson.  If any Republican talked about Obama that way the Democrats and the lying propagandists in the #FakeNews media would be labelling then as racists.

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