Sunday, February 16, 2020

Trump winning the war on poverty bigly

Since Trump took office and turned the economy around by repudiating Obama's failed economic policies, the same policies Democrats want to reimpose on you, around 6.1 million people have gotten off food stamps.

While leftists and the #FakeNews media will probably claim that that's because they all starved to death the reality is that they either left because they are some of the millions of people who now have a job thanks to Trump and the Republicans or they were defrauding you and frail reduction efforts induced them to leave.

Either way you the taxpayer are better off because there are fewer people you have to support.

Of course to Democrats this is bad news. Every person who depends on the government for food is more likely to vote for a Democrat who promises more free stuff than for a Republican who talks about personal responsibility even though the Republican says that we can't let anyone starve.

That's why Democrats hate the reduction in poverty under Trump; it means less votes for them.

They don't care about fixing poverty which is why they aren't bothered by the fact that poverty rates in the US were steadily declining until Democrats instated the welfare state; the Great Society.

Similarly Democrats have shown no real concern over generational Black poverty in Democrat run cities.

One more piece of evidence that Democrat politicians only care about getting more power over you not about making life better for Americans.

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