Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The 2 track law system: Obama asking DOJ to prosecute someone at Soro's behest

According to famous leftists lawyer Alan Dershowitz Obama asked the FBI to investigate someone because billionaire nazi sympathizer and hard core leftists George Soros asked him to.

We have to take this with a grain of salt since Dershowitz hasn't revealed any evidence yet because a law suit hasn't yet been filed but historically Dershowitz has been honest even if his policies haven't been ones that conservatives like.

Additionally Dershowitz has said that this is nothing new; that Presidents regularly do this.

He points out that when JFK was President the White House exercised a lot of control over what the DOJ did.

Thanks to the #FakeNews media coverup very few American know that RFK, JFK's brother, spied on the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr and discovered that the Reverend was having affairs.  RFK then told the press about them.

Yet now the Democrats are furious that Trump pointed out the truth; sentencing Roger Stone to 87 to 108 months in prison when the average violent offender only serves 72 months--and the Democrat mayor of Baltimore is only being sentenced to 60 months for stealing from charities--is a politically motivated abomination.

It's clear that Democrats are all for the politicization of the FBI/DOJ--witness the whole Mueller fiasco--but only when it benefits them.

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