Thursday, February 6, 2020

Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar have to be impeached now according to Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff lectured us peasants that if a President does something that benefits the United States but which also benefits the President then that action is an impeachable offense.

Adam Schiff has made it clear that removing Trump from office would be good for the United States.

But Senators Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar are running for President which means that anything that hurts Trump benefits them.

Hence using the new Democrat rules even though those Senators voting to convict the President were doing something that would benefit the US, according to Adam Schiff, they're still guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors because their political situation will benefit as a direct result of their action.

After all sane people, ie non-Democrat politicians, agree that corruption is bad and therefor investigating Joe Biden's obvious corruption in Ukraine was good for the United States.

Keep in mind that Trump didn't ask Ukraine for dirt on Biden. Trump said it would be good for Ukraine to investigate what everyone agreed, even Democrats, was a suspicious situation.

Given that Democrats, who have no evidence of Trump committing any crime, have been saying for a couple of years now that if Trump is innocent he shouldn't object to being investigated clearly they can't be upset about Biden being investigated if he's innocent.

If Trump should have been convicted for doing something good for the country which also benefited his political situation then clearly Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar should be convicted for doing something "good" for the country which benefited their political situation.

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