Sunday, February 23, 2020

Only a leftist would believe that Putin likes Trump more than Bernie Sanders

Historically Democrats have been very soft on Russia since LBJ.

Even during the Cold War when Russia was trying to conquer the world and openly declared it's desire to destroy America Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to help him get elected President in return for him being nice to them.

Similarly during the  Cold War the Ivy League leftists who man the CIA kept saying that Russia was doing fine.  Most Democrats thought that the threat to the world wasn't the tyrant ruling the Russian police state but Ronald Reagan.

Today Democrats view Trump as the problem vis a vis world piece and they tyrant who runs China as a great guy.  While Democrats say that they don't like Russia contrasting the actions of Obama and Trump vis a vis Russia shows that Putin's best buds have always been Democrats.


  • Made a deal to let Iran, Putin's ally, develop nuclear weapons
  • Let Russia take over in Syria
  • Reset US relations by ignoring Putin's imperialism in Georgia; the country
  • Asked Putin to help him get elected and when elected canceled a missile defense program Putin didn't like
  • Refused to provide lethal aid, weapons, to Ukraine to resist Putin's invasion
  • Let the American military get weak
  • Let America stay dependent on foreign energy sources


  • Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending
  • Provided weapons to Ukraine
  • Got Germany to not make a huge natural gas deal with Russia
  • Increased sanctions on Russia
  • Took action against Iran, Putin's ally
  • Strengthened the US military
  • Increased American energy independence

Given that Bernie Sanders honeymooned in Moscow when Russia was calling for the destruction of the US and the fact that Bernie hates JFK because JFK didn't like Castro it's pretty clear that Bernie is going to be more like Obama than Trump.

While Jake Tapper has revealed that the whole supposed story about Putin helping Trump is bogus we do know that Russia is helping Bernie.  But Democrat Swalwell says we shouldn't be upset when Putin helps Bernie only when Putin helps Trump which is the Democrat position in a nutshell.

Anything that will get the Democrats more power is good no matter how much it hurts we the people.

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