Thursday, February 13, 2020

Pete Buttigieg: Radical leftist

While mayor Pete and his enablers in the #FakeNews media are desperately trying to portray him as some sort of moderate the reality is that he's a radical leftist who hates America as it is.

Here are a few of Buttigieg's radical beliefs:

  • He supports abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy right up to birth
  • He supports infanticide; killing a baby who is born alive after an abortion attempt
  • He wants to free 50% of the people in jail; that would release 1.1M criminals back onto the streets
  • He wants to legalize possessing all drugs including heroin
  • He wants amnesty for the 11 to 22M illegal aliens in America
  • He wants to make it easy for foreigners to compete with Americans for jobs
  • He wants to make it hard for you to own a gun but without repealing the 2nd Amendment
  • He wants online censorship of views he doesn't like
  • He wants men to be able to use women's bathrooms, even when little girls are present
  • He believes that we don't have the right to exercise our religion if he disagrees with us
  • He believes in increasing energy costs which is a massive regressive tax on the poor
  • He says that people who could work but who don't want to should be supported by you
  • He says that you shouldn't be able to fly
  • He wants the US to sacrifice to fight climate change while being ok with China drastically increasing CO2 production
  • He wants to end fracking which will drive up US CO2 emissions 

The simple reality is that all the Democrat Presidential candidates are extremists who reject the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments and who want government, that means them, to have much more power over you. They want to take more of your hard earned money to spend the way they want to spend it.

Pete Buttigieg is a new Obama; he's pretending he's a moderate and the #FakeNews media are helping him spread that lie when in fact he's a radical extremist.

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