Friday, February 14, 2020

We love Trump's tweets but the establishment hates them

According to Democrats, the #FakeNewsmedia, and the Republican establishment everyone in America can comment on politically motivated legal attacks on Trump but Trump.

Every leftist talking head was saying how horrible Stone was and that was fine.

But when Trump tweets that Stone is being persecuted that supposedly crosses a line.

What the Deep State/Never Trumper/DC establishment types don't seem to realize is that Trump is speaking for all us "deplorables".

We're tired of being maligned and insulted by all our "betters".

We're called racists and homophobes, who is afraid of gays?, constantly but when Trump fights back for us he's declared to be uncouth and out of control by the very same people who hate us.

Barr saying he wished that Trump didn't tweet about things related to the DOJ is making a mistake.

Folks who live in DC read the Washington Post. The Post is constantly saying how great the dishonest acts of DOJ Democrat activists are. When Trump tweets the truth he's simply communicating with DOJ employee's directly just like the WaPo does.

Condemning the President speaking his mind while extolling every Democrat politician who does the same thing is part of cancel culture.  Free speech is only free if it's approved of by Democrat politicians and the #FakeNewsmedia.

In retrospect Trump was a better candidate that Cruz because Trump fights back whereas Cruz would have been more "Presidential".

Well Trump's voters want someone who punches back not someone who is "Presidential".

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