Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Truth about Cornoavirus/Wuhan Virus/COVID-19; it's like the flu

You may have heard the dire warning issued by the CDC about the virus that communist China is having problems containing.

Dr. Nancy Messonnier said that "disruption to everyday life may be severe".

Oddly the good Dr. is sister to Rod Rosenstein who clearly wants to topple Trump.

By driving down the stock market Messonnier was being a good Democrat trooper.

The good news is that while she may be right about the virus hitting the US in a general way to date lethality numbers seem to indicate that the death toll will be closer to what that we get every year from the flu than to what we'd expect with a new version of the plague.

That's not good and that's why Trump is taking serious measures to stop that from happening but it's also not going to destroy the country, produce zombies, or seriously disrupt daily life for most Americans.

We need to take steps to prepare America for this virus and people of good will can argue about exactly how much money we should spend on that but we shouldn't let Democrats scare us into voting for them.

Similarly of what benefit are extreme statements to the country?

Historically leaders who care about we the people have striven to be honest while making sure that we know that we will make it through this.

Remember FDR?  He didn't sugarcoat the risks associated with the WWII but he also said that the only thing we should fear is fear itself.

Messonnier's statement didn't follow that guideline but rather was probably designed to stoke up fear and thereby give Democrats a way to attack Trump.

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