Saturday, February 8, 2020

Democrats fact check Babylon Bee; Phase II they demand a humorous meme be taken down

We all know that petty dishonest Nancy Pelosi, who supports infanticide, messed up bigly when she tore up her copy of Trump's speech.  The public didn't like that; only her rabid base was enthused.

As part of their campaign to erase Pelosi's petty action from history Democrats are saying that a meme showing her ripping up the document over and over should be removed from Twitter for being "misleading".

Here's the meme:

Here are some of the comments by Democrats:

This reaction by the Democrats tell us many interesting things about them.
  • They think you're fools.  Only someone who has never been on the internet or seen a repeating GIF would think that this is Pelosi ripping up the document multiple times as opposed to Pelosi ripping up the document being repeated multiple times.
  • They know what she did was bad and are trying to hide it from you
  • They don't believe in free speech.
  • They think that they can mock and revile their political opponents but any mockery of them is unacceptable
  • They think they're better than us; it's wrong to make fun of them 
  • They think it was fine for Adam Schiff to make up what Trump said on the phone call with the Ukraine but they demand that this be taken off Twitter
  • They're all in for censorship of anything they don't like
Just one more sign of how Democrat politicians and #FakeNews media folk hate you and think that they should rule over you not represent you.

It's time to end Pelosi's delusions about being your ruler and give the House back to Republicans who aren't perfect but at least don't demand that any truths about them that are embarrassing be censored.

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