Saturday, February 8, 2020

If you support any limitations on abortion Bernie Sanders says you can't be a Democrat

Bernie not only said that Democrats must support abortion they must support using taxpayer dollars in his Medicare for All plan to pay for all abortions.

The vast majority of Americans want to restrict abortion to the hard cases--rape, incest, threat to the life of the mother--and or the first trimester.

But Bernie voted against providing medical care for babies who survive an abortion attempt; he thinks it's ok to let them die without any sort of care including food and water.

He also supports abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

Hence when he says there's no room for pro-lifers in the Democrat party he means that if you support abortion only in the hard cases or only in the first trimester you don't belong in the Democrat party.

Keep in mind that when you group together rape, incest, threat to the life of the mother, and any sort of health issues--including she might be sad if she can't get an abortion--they account for < 2% of all abortions.

Bernie wants to fund not only those 2% but the 98% that result from a woman having consensual sex and then she deciding she doesn't want her daughter.

He wants you to pay for that.  He wants you to pay so that men can be sure that when they have sex with a woman they will never have to worry about paying child support.

Abortion is no more "health care" for those 98+% of the cases than plastic surgery is health care.

But Bernie wants you out of the Democrat party if you don't agree with him.

I say do as he says.

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