Thursday, February 20, 2020

Can we trust the Intelligence Community anymore?

Most of the folks who are involved in the Intelligence Community(IC) are good patriotic Americans but more and more it seems that the non-appointed leadership are corrupt Democrat hacks.

We know that Clapper and Brennan misused their positions to attempt to nullify the 2016 election by lending credibility to the now disprove claim that Trump colluded with Russia.

Today we have a new leak, probably from 5 Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee including Adam Schiff, that the IC testified that Russia was interfering in the 2020 election for Trump.

The first obvious question is what could the Russians be doing today to help Trump?

The second question is why would they?  After all he's been a lot tougher on Putin than Obama was and none of the Democrat Presidential candidates are showing any spine in terms of dealing with foreign adversaries.

Here's a short list of how Obama and Trump treated Russia:

  • Obama canceled antimissile system that Putin didn't like
  • Obama let Putin take control of Syria
  • Obama reset our relationship with Russia by ignoring Putin's imperialism in Georgia
  • Obama did nothing to deter Putin taking over Crimea

  • Trump got NATO to significantly increase defense spending
  • Trump increases sanctions on Russia
  • Trump got Germany to back out of a massive natural gas deal with Russia
  • Trump is building up the US military

Why would Putin want four more years of Trump when historically Democrats have been nicer to him?

Bernie Sanders, who is the leading contender at the moment, honeymooned in the Soviet Union and has extolled communism and tyrants most of his life.  It's unlikely that he'll be too mad at Russia if he's elected.

These problems makes one wonder if the IC isn't lying, or the leakers are lying.

We know that the IC is eager to get rid of Trump and that they think that they should be running the show not our elected officials.

Chuck Schumer said:

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,"

He was saying that Trump was being stupid to picking a fight with the IC about who really hacked the DNC computers.

That the head of the Democrats in the Senate said that the elected representatives of the people should be afraid of the IC shows that, at least in Schumer's mind, the IC is more like a secret police organization than a part of the US government.

Given the fact that it's clear that Trump is worse for Putin than Bernie or any of the Democrats would be and given the IC's behavior recently vis a vis Trump and given that Schumer said that the IC would misuse its power to attack politicians it doesn't like the sane thing to do would be to assume the this leak that the #FakeNews is either lying or the IC folk who testified lied.

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