Saturday, February 15, 2020

Proof that Democrats don't believe in a climate crisis

The US led the industrialized world with reducing CO2 emissions.

Trump pulled that off by stopping the war on fracking that Obama was waging.

Fracking produces natural gas. Natural gas generates far less CO2 per kW hour of electricity generated.

As natural gas gets more plentiful and cheaper due to fracking power generators switch from coal to natural gas to save money and they automatically reduce CO2 emissions as a result.

But Democrats like Pete Buttigieg want to ban fracking. That would not lead us to use more renewable energy because renewable energy is far more expensive and it also doesn't work all the time; cloudy still days for example.

Instead at least in the next 10 years or so it would lead to more coal being burned and CO2 going up.

Side note: If in fact Mayor Pete is right and we did replace natural gas with wind and solar that would result in a huge regressive tax on the poor in America.  It's not accident that energy prices in Democrat run California are much much higher than in America in general.  Renewable energy is more expensive and higher energy costs hit the poor, who spend a higher fraction of their money on energy than do the rich or middle class, will be hit the hardest.

But clearly if Pete or the other Democrats really believed in the lies they're telling about how climate change is going to kill us all and soon there is no way that they'd be cool with increasing US CO2 emissions.

We knew the Democrats were lying before this though.

The Paris Accords allow China/India to massively increase their CO2 production.  If we're really facing a climate apocalypse then that would be unacceptable. But Democrats support the Paris Accords so it's clear that they aren't really believing what they're telling you.

Why do they lie to you about this?

The answer is simple in the name of saving the planet they want to steal your freedom and your hard earned money.  Fighting the climate "crisis" always involves you giving them more money and you paying more for energy. It also involves ensuring that you can't fly in a plane, but they still will be able to , and you can't drive a car that you can afford.

Climate change is a big lie used to justify Democrats becoming our rulers rather than our representatives.

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