Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bernie Sanders says that people should be glad to give up their freedom for money

After extolling how great communist tyranny is in Cuba Bernie went on to say:

"China is another example. China is an authoritarian country, becoming more and more authoritarian. But can anyone deny — I mean, the facts are clear, that they have taken more people out of extreme poverty than any country in history.”

That sure seems to be saying that Bernie thinks the Chinese people are better off with no freedom because they have more money.

Is that the sort of mind set we want for the President of the United States?

What price does Bernie set on our freedoms?  Clearly he's ok with authoritarian, note he won't say communist, governments so long as they help the poor. It's apparently only a matter, in Bernie's mind, of deciding how much welfare is worth losing our freedom.

Further he misattributes the Chinese economic boom to tyranny. To the extent that China's economy has boomed it is because the Communist tyrants who run China adopted capitalism.

The reality is that we have good reason to believe that if China had abandoned Communism that the Chinese people would be even richer.

But that's a truth that Bernie will always deny.

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