Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bloomberg lies again: Pulse nightclub shooting

In a recent Bloomberg ad attacking Trump included an image of the Pulse club logo.

There a Muslim radical killed 49 people, mostly gays.

There are a number of lies involved in Bloomberg using that image.

First the shooting occurred in June 2016 months before Trump was elected and before he took office. Clearly it's a lie to blame Trump for something that happened on Obama's watch.

Second Trump is the one working hard to keep radical Islamists out of the US while Bloomberg and his fellow Democrats are working hard to make sure that they can get in. Look at how Democrats wailed when Trump wanted to temporarily restrict people from countries where we couldn't verify their identities into the US.  Democrats labeled it a Muslim ban even though it wasn't a ban, 84% of the world's Muslims weren't impacted, and it applied to everyone from those countries irrespective of their faith or race.

The ad also effectively lied by taking a Trump quote out of context.Z

Trump said that MS-13 gang members were:

“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

But the dishonest Bloomberg ad doesn't mention the MS-13 point thereby implying that Trump was labelling all illegal immigrants as rapists.

All Democrat politicians will tell any lie to get more power over you.

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