Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ilhan Omar: Agent of tyranny

Omar is trying to get a package bills passed that will help tyrants around the world.

This is nothing new for her. She has called for an end to the sanctions against the tyrants in Venezuela and Iran.

One of the bills clearly targets Israel. It would be used to declare that since in the minds of leftists Israel is violating "international humanitarian law" by defending itself from terrorists who target children the US would be prohibited from providing any sort of military aid, including things like tear gas.

She also wants to take money from the Pentagon, which is already underfunded to deal with Russian and Chinese imperialism, to set up a second redundant peace initiative in the State Department.  As though the folks in the State Department aren't currently working to try to establish world peace.

She also wants the US to participate in the International Criminal Court effectively giving foreigners from countries hostile to the US the right to try and punish Americans.

She wants the US to agree to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which would put the UN, not US voters, in charge of American family law.

Clearly Omar is eager to support tyranny and take away your rights as well as furthering her rabid antisemitism.

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