Saturday, February 29, 2020

Trump signs a peace deal with the Taliban; Democrats will complain

Trump signed a deal to get out of Afghanistan which requires the Taliban to end terrorism.

Odds are the same Democrats who critiqued Bush and Trump for their actions in Afghanistan will condemn this too.

While there are reasons to be doubtful about the long term probability of the Taliban not trying to take over the country are small the US has shown that we can prevent terrorism even when we don't control the countries the terrorists are based in.

Witness our taking out bin Laden in Pakistan.

Hence it makes sense to end our 19 year war in Afghanistan and let the Afghani's return to what they do best; kill each other.

Afghanistan is an uncivilizable country populated by primitive warring tribes whose only loyalty is to their kinsmen not to the "country" of Afghanistan.

To keep spending US dollars and losing US lives over there makes no sense.

But Obama couldn't see that and didn't manage to extract us.

People should be applauding Trump doing that but of course given that if Trump himself discovered a cure for cornoavirus the #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians would say it was a bad thing it'll be no surprise when they dump on Trump about ending our "never ending" war in Afghanistan.

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