Sunday, February 23, 2020

Democrats oppose Sanders because they know they can only win by lying

The Democrat establishment doesn't oppose what Bernie Sanders wants to do to America.

They oppose him because they know that they won't win if they tell the American people what they are planning to do.

Only by lying to us can Democrats get elected.

That's why Obama lied about his position on gay marriage and about how we wouldn't lose our doctors under Obamacare.

Bernie wants to take away the health insurance that 160,000,000 Americans like and have worked hard for and replace it with a plan where people who could work but don't want to get the same quality of care as union workers who have gone on strike for better health care for their families.

Bernie wants shorter sentences for criminals who use guns and banning honest citizens from having guns to protect themselves.

Bernie wants government bureaucrats to literally be able to make life and death decisions about what health care you get.

Bernie wants you to pay for abortions for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

Bernie supports post birth abortion by denying medical care to viable little girls who survive a pregnancy.

Bernie wants to dramatically increase the amount of the money you earn that you have to give to him to spend.

Bernie holds up Venezuela as what he wants America to be.

Bernie hates JFK because JFK didn't like the terrorist Communist regime in Cuba.

Bernie supported Iran when Iran seized American embassy personnel and held them hostage.

Bernie views the oppressive mass murdering Soviet Union as the model for what a country should be like.

The dilemma that the Democrat face is that we the people don't, in general, like any of these things.

That's why historically Democrats have lied about what they really stand for; especially in Presidential races.

The reality is that Democrats would be thrilled to help President Bernie steal Amerian's money and freedoms.

But since power not principles is what motivates Democrat politicians they want a candidate who will lie to we the people not Bernie Sanders.

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