Thursday, February 6, 2020

Democrats honored Bill Clinton after he wasn't convicted

We know for a fact that Bill Clinton lied under oath, a felony, in order to protect himself from a #MeToo lawsuit resulting from his sexually harassing a government employee.

Yet Democrats back then, many the same as the ones who say that Trump should be convicted even though he didn't commit a crime, voted against impeaching him.

In fact Democrats made Clinton the elder statesman of their party. They held him up as a shining beacon of what was, in their minds, good about the Democrat party.

Yet now with Trump being declared not guilty Democrats are sputtering about the collapse of democracy.

The reality is that the only thing Democrat politicians and pundits care about is getting power over we the people.

Just as their predecessors in the Democrat party declared that slavery was good because Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrats are saying that you're too stupid to run your life.

Heck Adam Schiff even said you can't be trusted to decide who your President is.

They hate you. They think they're better than you.

Which is why you should never ever vote for them.

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