Sunday, February 9, 2020

Ocasio-Cortez wants to keep child molesters in the US

AOC and 43 other Democrats in the House have introduced a bill that would eliminate mandatory deportation for immigrants who commit a "crime of moral turpitude"; like raping a child.

Clearly AOC and her ilk don't give a darn about Americans.

Interestingly the bill also changes the law so that an immigrant who falsified a passport can't be deported for that crime.

So a terrorist enters the country as a legal immigrant using a falsified passport and they can't be deported for that.

Under AOC's new bill immigrants who receive a sentence of less than five years wouldn't be deported.  Based on the statistics that means that many immigrants who steal cars, commit fraud, or are convicted of weapons offenses--don't Democrats hate gun violence?--.  Even some folks who rape, steal or commit fraud would be allowed to stay in the US.

The bill also gives immigration judges sweeping authority to keep immigrant criminals in the US.  In the hands of the left wing judges Obama appointed that's a license that will allow them to keep immigrants in the US no matter how serious their crimes were in the name of keeping families together or for "humanitarian" purposes.

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