Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Democrats hate minorities: Harvard admission edition

It turns out that a DOJ investigation into racist admission policies at Harvard has determined that 45% of the Blacks and Latinos who have been admitted were admitted because of their race.

This doesn't mean that those candidates are stupid just that they belong in a a good school, like say NorthWestern, not one of the most competitive schools in the country.

This sort of policy is racist on many levels.

First as Thomas Sowell, who's Black, has pointed out admitting anyone, including minorities, to a college that's too hard for them will result in them having a higher probability of flunking out which is a horrible experience.  A Black student who would have been top of his class in some regular college flunking out of Harvard will suffer a lot more than if he'd just gone to the regular college in the first place.

Second whites and Asians who should have been admitted are discriminated against solely based on the color of their skin which is the definition of racism.

Third unless the 45% all flunk out that means that when a company is looking to hire a minority graduate from Harvard they won't know if the person actually is as good as a Harvard graduate should be or if they got the degree for the same reason they got admitted; the color of their skin.

This is amazingly unfair to the 55% of minority students at Harvard who belonged there.

But none of this matters to the white leftists who set up this racist scheme.  They feel good about themselves for "caring" even though their actions hurt not help minorities.

Democrats and leftists, who run Harvard, don't care about minorities. They only care about making themselves feel good about themselves.

If they really cared about minorities they'd be working to ensure that minority students could be all they can be not simply giving those students a nearly impossible challenge because it makes the rich white folk feel good.

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